View Gateway Node Status

You can view gateway node installer action results, Management Server and gateway node server status, and gateway node domain environment details with the status installer action.

The following information is returned when you run the status gateway node installer action:

  • Actions: lists the gateway node installer actions the user has performed, including the result: SUCCESSFUL if the action succeeded, not_attempted if the action was not attempted, and FAILED if the action failed. If applicable, additional details may be returned for an action. For example, if the patches action was attempted, details about successfully and unsuccessfully applied patches are displayed.

  • Servers: returns lists the status of the Management Tier server in the node’s gateway-props.json file and the gateway node domain itself. A REST call is sent to the endpoint that returns the server’s version. If defined, the request to the Management Server is sent through the phoneHomeProxy listed in the gateway-props.json file or passed as a key-value pair when running the action. If successful, the server is listed as running. If unsuccessful, the server is listed as not_accessible.

  • Environment details: lists the free space available (in bytes) available to the gateway node’s domain directory.

To view a gateway node’s status:
  1. Sign in to the machine the gateway node is installed on.
  2. Navigate to the directory the gateway node installer was extracted to: cd /path/to/installer
  3. Run the status action: ./APIGateway -f gateway-props.json -a status

    You are prompted for the weblogic user’s credentials. These are the WebLogic administrator user credentials that were supplied when the gateway node was installed. This user is stored in the gateway node domain’s local LDAP.

The gateway node status is displayed.