Developer Portal Configuration (deprecated) REST Endpoints

Developer Portal Configuration (deprecated)
Check if the current user can sign in to the Developer Portal
Method: get
Path: /v1/configuration/authenticated
Delete configuration
Method: delete
Path: /v1/configuration
Get configuration
Method: get
Path: /v1/configuration
Set configuration
Method: post
Path: /v1/configuration
Developer Portal Configuration (deprecated)
Delete configuration
Method: delete
Path: /v1/configuration
Get configuration
Method: get
Path: /v1/configuration
Set configuration
Method: post
Path: /v1/configuration
Check if the current user can sign in to the Developer Portal
Method: get
Path: /v1/configuration/authenticated
Developer Portal Configuration (deprecated)
Delete configuration
Method: delete
Path: /v1/configuration
Get configuration
Method: get
Path: /v1/configuration
Check if the current user can sign in to the Developer Portal
Method: get
Path: /v1/configuration/authenticated
Set configuration
Method: post
Path: /v1/configuration