
You can modify a few parameters to localize your custom policy.

Make the localization related changes in the ui/resources/L10n/{policyname}.json file.

Example of l10n bundle file in English
    "l10nBundle" : {
        "policy.name"             : "CUSTOMPOLICY",
        "policy.description"      : "Used to test a custom policy.",
        "#helpInfo"               : "Complete all fields. Comments are optional.",
        "label.field.header"      : "CUSTOMPOLICY",
        "label.condition.phrase"  : "Pass the request/response if code runs to completion. 
																						Errors and rejections are handled as exceptions.",
        "label.headername"        : "Name",
        "label.headeroperator"    : "Operator",
        "label.headervalue"       : "Value",
        "label.passorreject"      : "{{0}} request if {{1}} of the following header conditions are met.",
        "label.any"               : "Any",
        "label.all"               : "All",
        "label.pass"              : "Pass",
        "label.reject"            : "Reject",
        "label.header.conditions" : "Custom Policy Conditions",
        "label.notApplicable"     : "Not Applicable",
        "label.isnull"            : "Is Null",
        "label.isnotnull"         : "Is Not Null",
        "label.addcondition"      : "Add Condition",
        "tooltip.addcondition"    : "Add a new condition",
        "tooltip.delcondition"    : "Delete this condition",
        "placeholder.headername"  : "Enter a header name.",
        "placeholder.headervalue" : "Enter a header value.",
        "msg.noconditions"        : "No conditions to display"

When you want to localize l10n bundle file for your locale, navigate to respective locale folderJapanese

  1. Navigate to the ui/resources/L10n/{locale folder}.

  2. Open the {policyname}.json file.

  3. Localize the values for parameters on the right.


    Do not modify the parameters on the left. For example, policy.name, policy.description and so on.