JavaScript Extension Development API for Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service - Classic Applications

Source: components.dt/js/spi/creators/Creator.js

], function (
    ) {

    'use strict';

     * A creator is used to create new instances of component views. It is
     * plugged-in into the Abcs system using the registration API
     * ({@link components.dt/js/api/ComponentProviderRegistry ComponentProviderRegistry}).
     * <p>This type of creator by default does not raise any UI when a component's
     * view is creating, it expects the view is created immediately with
     * default properties. If you want to raise a UI to tweak component's view
     * creation, use one of UI creators:</p>
     * <dl>
     * <dt>{@link components.dt/js/spi/creators/PopupCreator PopupCreator}</dt>
     * <dd>Raises a light-weight popup UI for modifying the view's properties
     * and behaviour.</dd>
     * </dl>
     * <p>In order to add a creator for a new component create an object with methods
     * described by {@link components.dt/js/spi/creators/Creator Creator}.
     * The object must implement {@link components.dt/js/spi/creators/Creator#createView Creator.createView}
     * method creating a view instance, {@link components.dt/js/spi/creators/Creator#getType Creator.getType}
     * to specify the type of the creator and {@link components.dt/js/spi/creators/Creator#getOptions Creator.getOptions}
     * to specify creator options.</p>
     * @AbcsExtension stable
     * @exports components.dt/js/spi/creators/Creator
     * @constructor
     * @private
     * @see {@link components.dt/js/spi/creators/Creator#createView Creator.createView}
     * @see {@link components.dt/js/api/ComponentFactory#createView ComponentFactory.createView}
     * @version 16.3.5
     * @example
     * <caption>Example of a plain view creator</caption>
     * define([
     *     'components.dt/js/api/ComponentFactory',
     *     'components.dt/js/spi/creators/CreatorType'
     * ], function (ComponentFactory, CreatorType) {
     *     'use strict';
     *     var MyCreator = function () {
     *     };
     *     MyCreator.prototype.getType = function () {
     *         return CreatorType.PLAIN;
     *     };
     *     MyCreator.prototype.createView = function (activePage, container, createContext) {
     *         var componentFactory = ComponentFactory.create(activePage);
     *         var properties = {
     *             text: createContext && createContext.text || 'Default Text'
     *         };
     *         var view = componentFactory.createView({
     *             type: '',
     *             properties: properties,
     *             displayName: 'My Component'
     *         });
     *         return view;
     *     };
     *     MyCreator.prototype.getOptions = function () {
     *         return {
     *             // the creator is expected to create only one type of view:
     *             possibleGeneratedViewTypes: [''],
     *             // min width of the component will be 2 columns
     *             minWidth: 2
     *         };
     *     };
     *     return MyCreator;
     * });
    var Creator = function() {

     * Creates a specific {@link pages.dt/js/api/View View} for the component.
     * <p><strong>MUST</strong> be implemented.</p>
     * <p>The main purpose of this method is to create a full working instance
     * of a {@link pages.dt/js/api/View View} representing the top of your
     * component hieararchy. You do not call its constructor directly but rather
     * call the {@link components.dt/js/api/ComponentFactory#createView ComponentFactory.createView} factory
     * method taking care of lots of things for you.</p>
     * <p>See {@link components.dt/js/spi/creators/Creator Creator}
     * for an example on how to implement this method.</p>
     * @AbcsExtension stable
     * @version 16.3.5
     * @param {pages.dt/js/api/Page} activePage the current page the view is created for.
     * @param {pages.dt/js/api/View|undefined} container parent container the view is about to be added into.
     * <strong>May be</strong> <code>undefined</code>, when a standalone view is created,
     * so do not heavily depend on it.
     * @param {Object} createContext object with set of default properties used
     * to create specific view instance with default properties or possibly even
     * reconstruct an old view from a serialized context.
     * @return {pages.dt/js/api/View} created View.
     * @see {@link components.dt/js/api/ComponentFactory#createView ComponentFactory.createView}
    Creator.prototype.createView = function(/*activePage, container, createContext*/) {
        throw new Error('Missing implementation.');

     * Specifies the type of the creator.
     * <p>Every creator must specify its type (if it's a non-UI plain creator,
     * a popup creator or another). Plain creators must return
     * {@link components.dt/js/spi/creators/CreatorType.PLAIN CreatorType.PLAIN}
     * type.</p>
     * @AbcsExtension stable
     * @version 16.3.5
     * @returns {components.dt/js/spi/creators/CreatorType} creator type
    Creator.prototype.getType = function () {
        return CreatorType.PLAIN;

     * Get the options which will be used by designer infrastructure.
     * @AbcsExtension stable
     * @version 16.3.5
     * @returns {components.dt/js/spi/creators/Creator.CreatorOptions}
    Creator.prototype.getOptions = function () {
        throw new Error('Missing implementation.');

     * Creator options registration object containing information about creator and created views.
     * Returned from {@link components.dt/js/spi/creators/Creator#getOptions Creator.getOptions}
     * method.
     * @AbcsExtension stable
     * @version 16.3.5
     * @memberof components.dt/js/spi/creators/Creator
     * @objectLiteral
    var CreatorOptions = function () {

     * Array of view types (or just one view type) which could be created by the creator.
     * @AbcsExtension stable
     * @version 16.3.5
     * @type {String|String[]}
    CreatorOptions.prototype.possibleGeneratedViewTypes = '';

     * Minimal width of a component after drop in columns (1 - 12).
     * @AbcsExtension stable
     * @version 16.3.5
     * @type {Number}
    CreatorOptions.prototype.minWidth = 1;

    return Creator;
