JavaScript Extension Development API for Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service - Classic Applications

Source: extensions.dt/js/api/ExtensionDependencyFormat.js

define([], function () {

    'use strict';

     * Defines the <b>format</b> of the dependency to an ABCS extension.
     * @AbcsExtension stable
     * @typedef extensions.dt/js/spi/ExtensionManager~ExtensionDependencyFormat
     * @version 16.3.1
     * @property {string} sourceType - Type of the source object which provides the referred extension.
     * <p>If the source object represents an application, the value of the key needs to be 'application'.</p>
     * @property {string} sourceId - Id of the source object which provides the referred extension.
     * <p>Typically the value is an application ID. </p>
     * <p>Please beware this is application ID,
     * not project ID. The application ID includes the application version.</p>
     * @property {string} extensionId - Id of the referred extension.
     * @example <caption>An example of a dependency to an extension</caption>
     * {
     *      sourceType: 'application',
     *      sourceId: 'myApplication-1.0',
     *      extensionId: 'com.mycompany.abcs.extensions.myTwitterBOP'
     * }
    function ExtensionDependencyFormat() {

     * Type of the source object which provides the referred extension.
     * @type {String}
    ExtensionDependencyFormat.sourceType = 'sourceType';

     * Id of the source object which provides the referred extension.
     * <p>Typically the value is an application ID. </p>
     * <p>Please beware this is application ID,
     * not project ID. The application ID includes the application version.</p>
     * @type {String}
    ExtensionDependencyFormat.sourceId = 'sourceId';

     * Id of the referred extension.
     * @type {String}
    ExtensionDependencyFormat.extensionId = 'extensionId';

     * Possible values of the {@link module:extensions.dt/js/api/ExtensionDependencyFormat.sourceType ExtensionDependencyFormat.sourceType} property.
    var SourceType = function() {

     * Application source type.
     * @type {String}
    SourceType.APPLICATION = 'application';

     * SourceType object literal.
     * @type {SourceType}
    ExtensionDependencyFormat.SourceType = SourceType;

    return ExtensionDependencyFormat;
