JavaScript Extension Development API for Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service - Classic Applications

Source: layout.dt/js/api/ThemeDescriptor.js

], function (
        ) {

    'use strict';

     * Theme description holder. This object contains pairs of strings that will
     * be used to present information about a theme to the user (e.g. in the
     * theme palette and in the new application wizard).
     * @AbcsExtension stable
     * @version 17.1.5
     * @exports layout.dt/js/api/ThemeDescriptor
     * @constructor
     * @param {Object} descriptor Object literal describing a theme.
     * @param {String} Theme's identifier.
     * @param {String} descriptor.title Theme's display name.
     * @param {String} [descriptor.description] Theme's description.
     * @param {String} [descriptor.preview] Path to theme's preview image.
     * @example <caption>An example of a basic theme descriptor.</caption>
     * return new ThemeDescriptor({
     *   id: 'myTheme',
     *   title: 'My Theme',
     *   description: 'My theme created on purpose for this example',
     *   preview: 'myTheme/theme/preview.png'
     * });
     * @see {@link layout.dt/js/spi/ThemeProvider Example of a complete
     *       ThemeProvider} which generates its descriptor from a JSON file
    var ThemeDescriptor = function (descriptor) {
        AbcsLib.checkParameterCount(arguments, 1);
            ['id', 'title', 'description', 'preview', 'link', 'linkText', 'hint'], // Allowed fields
            ['id', 'title']); // Mandatory fields

        this._id =;
        this._title = descriptor.title;
        this._description = descriptor.description;
        this._link = ? : '';
        this._linkText = descriptor.linkText ? descriptor.linkText : '';
        this._hint = descriptor.hint ? descriptor.hint : '';
        // See BUFP-11506.
        this._preview = (!descriptor.preview || StringUtils.endsWith(descriptor.preview, UploaderUtils.UPLOAD_IMAGE_PATH))
                        ? ThemeDescriptor.DEFAULT_PREVIEW_IMAGE : descriptor.preview;

        this._internal = false;

    ThemeDescriptor._LOGGER = Logger.get('ThemeDescriptor');

    ThemeDescriptor.DEFAULT_PREVIEW_IMAGE = 'style/images/composer/no_theme_image.png';

     * Gets theme's ID.
     * @returns {String} ID
    ThemeDescriptor.prototype.getId = function () {
        return this._id;

     * Gets theme's title.
     * @returns {String} title
    ThemeDescriptor.prototype.getTitle = function () {
        return this._title;

     * Gets theme's description.
     * @returns {String} description
    ThemeDescriptor.prototype.getDescription = function () {
        return this._description;

     * Gets theme's preview image.
     * @returns {String} preview image
    ThemeDescriptor.prototype.getPreview = function () {
        return this._preview;

     * Gets link to page with more details about the theme.
     * @returns {String} URL
    ThemeDescriptor.prototype.getLink = function () {
        return this._link;

     * Gets the text to be shown for the details page link
     * @returns {String} The text for the link
    ThemeDescriptor.prototype.getLinkText = function () {
        return this._linkText;

     * Gets a hint about what to use this theme for
     * @returns {String} Hint
    ThemeDescriptor.prototype.getHint = function () {
        return this._hint;

     * Gets whether this theme is internal (provided by ABCS).
     * @returns {Boolean}
    ThemeDescriptor.prototype.isInternal = function() {
        return this._internal;

    return ThemeDescriptor;