Oracle by Example brandingCreate a Multi-language Application in Oracle Visual Builder: Translate Application Strings

section 0Before You Begin

This 15-minute tutorial shows you how to create a web application with translatable strings and how to download, translate, and upload the strings.


To support readers of multiple languages, you can translate the strings in your user interface into other languages and upload them to your Visual Builder application.

You can also create language switcher components to allow users to change from one language to another. You'll complete this task in the next tutorial.

The strings in a translated application are stored in translation bundles, which are JSON files that contain keys and values.

In this tutorial, you'll translate the strings into French. Feel free to use another language if you prefer.

What Do You Need?

  • Access to Oracle Visual Builder
  • A supported browser
  • Familiarity with the basics of creating an application, adding components and pages, and creating action chains.

section 1Import an Application and Generate Translatable Strings

In this step, you'll upload a simple application with two pages and two business objects for use with this tutorial.

  1. Click this link and download the file.
  2. In the web browser, log in to Oracle Visual Builder.
  3. On the Visual Applications page, click Import.
    Description of vbcsta_sec1_s3.png follows
    Description of the illustration vbcsta_sec1_s3.png
  4. In the Import dialog box, select Application from file.
  5. On the next Import dialog box, click the Drag and Drop area to select the downloaded zip file, or drop the file into the area.

    The application name is loaded into the Application Name and Application ID fields.

  6. Click Import.

    A success message appears briefly, and TranslationApplication appears on the Visual Applications page.

  7. Click TranslationApplication to open it.

    The web application, transwebapp, has two pages, main-start and main-create-department, and two business objects, Location and Department. The business objects contain some data.

  8. In the Web Apps pane of the Navigator, expand the main node, and then click main-start to open that page in the Page Designer.

    We'll begin by making the "Departments" text at the top of the page translatable.

  9. In the Structure pane, type "bind" in the search box, then click Bind Text (Departments). In the Properties pane, mouse over the area opposite the Value label and select the Make String Translatable Make String Translatable icon icon.
    Description of vbcsta_sec1_s9.png follows
    Description of the illustration vbcsta_sec1_s9.png

    The Translatable String dialog dialog opens. The translatable text, Departments, appears in the String field:

    Description of vbcsta_sec1_s10.png follows
    Description of the illustration vbcsta_sec1_s10.png

    If you intended to send the strings to a translation team, you could enter a description in the Description field to provide context for the translator.

    The Key field, which is editable, contains the key that identifies the field. The Bundle field specifies the location of the translation bundle in the application.

  10. Click Save.

    The original text is replaced by an expression that specifies the key. The generated key value uses the component and property names, followed by a randomly assigned value:

  11. Select the Create button in the Design canvas. In the Properties pane, mouse over the right side of the Text label and select the Make String Translatable Make String Translatable iconicon that appears. Click Save in the dialog box.
  12. To make a table column header translatable, select the table and click the Data tab in the Properties pane. Hover over the first column label in the Table Columns list, then click the Column Detail Column Detail icon icon on the right.
  13. To make the string translatable, hover over the Columns, Header Text field and click the Make String Translatable Make String Translatable icon icon that appears. Click Save in the dialog box.
  14. Click Left arrow icon Table Columns to return to the main Data tab and repeat Steps 12 and 13 for each column. After the first time, you might have to scroll all the way to the right to find the Column Detail Column Detail icon icons.

    When you're finished, the Data tab looks something like this:

  15. In the Web Apps pane, click the main-create-department page to open it in the Page Designer.
  16. Make the Input Text (Name field) and Single Select (Location field) label hints translatable.
  17. Make the Cancel and Save button text translatable.

section 2View and Export the Strings

  1. In the Web Apps pane, expand the Resources node, then expand the strings, app, and nls nodes.
    Description of vbcsta_sec2_s1.png follows
    Description of the illustration vbcsta_sec2_s1.png
  2. Click the app-strings.json file. It contains only one key-value definition.
      "root": true
  3. Expand the root node and click the app-strings.json file. It contains all nine translatable string definitions at the end of the file, something like this:
      "bind_text_value": "Departments",
    "@bind_text_value": {
    "description": ""
    "button__text": "Create",
    "@button__text": {
    "description": ""
    "table_columns_header_text": "Id",
    "@table_columns_header_text": {
    "description": ""
    "table_columns_header_text_8775": "Name",
    "@table_columns_header_text_8775": {
    "description": ""
    "table_columns_header_text_80d3": "Location",
    "@table_columns_header_text_80d3": {
    "description": ""
    "input_text_label_hint": "Name",
    "input_text_label_hint": {
    "description": ""
    }, ...

    This file contains the translatable strings set by Visual Builder, as well as those that you set in the previous step.

  4. From the application menu in the toolbar, select Settings.
    Description of vbcsta_sec2_s4.png follows
    Description of the illustration vbcsta_sec2_s4.png
  5. Click the Translations tab.
  6. Under All Strings, click JSON. The file is placed in your Downloads folder.
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    Description of the illustration vbcsta_sec2_s6.png

    The .zip file contains an ARB (Application Resource Bundle) file. The XLIFF 1.2 format (XML Localization Interchange File Format) is also available for use. The ARB format is easy to use if you are translating the strings yourself. If you are sending the strings to a translation team, you might want to use the XLIFF format.

    As you update an application, you can download and translate only the strings that are new or have been changed since you last downloaded them.

    Keep the Translations tab open.

section 3Translate and Upload the Strings

  1. In your Downloads folder, extract the zip file.
  2. Open the transwebapp_app folder. It contains one file, app-strings.arb.
  3. Make a copy of app-strings.arb and name it app-strings-fr-FR.arb.

    The fr-FR language tag indicates the translation language and country, French (France). Depending on your locale, you may be able to specify just the language code, but adding the country is a good idea.

  4. Open app-strings-fr-FR.arb in a text editor.

    The ARB file has two properties at the top that indicate the name and location of the translation bundle. For each string, it specifies a source_text property, in addition to the description property.

      "@@x-bundleName" : "app",
      "@@x-bundlePath" : "webApps/transwebapp/resources/strings/app/nls/app-strings",
        "bind_text_value" : "Departments",
    "@bind_text_value" : {
    "description" : "",
    "source_text" : "Departments"
    "button__text" : "Create",
    "button__text" : {
    "description" : "",
    "source_text" : "Create"
    "table_columns_header_text" : "Id",
    "@table_columns_header_text" : {
    "description" : "",
    "source_text" : "Id"
  5. For each generated key, replace the key value for the displayed text with the French translation. (The Id value is not translated.)
    English French
    Departments Départements
    Create Créer
    Id Id
    Name Nom
    Location Emplacement
    Name Nom
    Location Emplacement
    Cancel Annuler
    Save Préserver

    For example, the first key definition looks like this.

      "bind_text_value" : "Départements",
    "@bind_text_value" : {
    "description" : "",
    "source_text" : "Departments"
  6. Save and close the app-strings-fr-FR.arb file.
  7. Zip up the transwebapp_app directory, which contains the app-strings-fr-FR.arb file, into
  8. In the Translations tab, drag the zip file into the Drag and Drop box.

    A success message appears briefly along the window's bottom. In the Web Apps pane, an fr-FR node now appears under Resourcesstrings> appnls.

  9. Expand the fr-FR node and click app-strings.json to view the French strings. If you don't see it right away, refresh your browser.
    Description of vbcsta_sec3_s9.png follows
    Description of the illustration vbcsta_sec3_s9.png
  10. Click the top-level app-strings.json file under the nls node. It now sets both "root" and "fr-FR" to true.
      "root" : true,
      "fr-FR" : true

    You've now finished translating the application strings.

next stepNext Tutorial

Create a Multi-language Application in Oracle Visual Builder: Create a Language Switcher