All REST Endpoints

Application REST API endpoints on the /ic/builder/resources/application path for locking/unlocking live applications and retrieving filtered lists of applications based on specified query parameters.
Get a query-filtered list of applications
Method: get
Path: /ic/builder/resources/application/applist
Lock a live application
Method: post
Path: /ic/builder/resources/application/lock/{branchId}
Unlock a locked live application
Method: post
Path: /ic/builder/resources/application/unlock/{branchId}
Authentication REST API endpoint on the /ic/builder/public path for managing unauthenticated end points that request an OAuth token from IDCS using username and password.
Generate OAuth token used to access the resource
Method: post
Path: /ic/builder/public/token
Credentials (Application-Level)
Create a new credential pair
Method: post
Path: /design/resources/services/token/unt/
Delete the credential pair by ID
Method: delete
Path: /design/resources/services/token/unt/{credentialId}
Modify an existing credential pair
Method: put
Path: /design/resources/services/token/unt/{credentialId}
Retrieve the credential pair by ID
Method: get
Path: /design/resources/services/token/unt/{credentialId}
Credentials (Tenant-Level)
Create a new credential pair
Method: post
Path: /design/-/resources/tenant/securestorage/
Delete the credential pair by ID
Method: delete
Path: /design/-/resources/tenant/securestorage/{credentialId}
Modify an existing credential pair
Method: put
Path: /design/-/resources/tenant/securestorage/{credentialId}
Retrieve the credential pair by ID
Method: get
Path: /design/-/resources/tenant/securestorage/{credentialId}
Data Management
Data Management REST API endpoints on the /ic/builder/design/application path for exporting one BO's data records to or importing one BO's data records from a file.
Export data records from a business object in an application to a file
Method: get
Path: /ic/builder/design/{appName}/{appVer}/resources/datamgr/export/{boName}
Import data records from a file to a business object
Method: post
Path: /ic/builder/design/{appName}/{appVer}/resources/datamgr/import/{boName}