Add a Take Photo Action

When working with PWA-enabled applications, you add a Take Photo action to access the camera or the image gallery on the device where your application is installed. For PWAs on Android and iOS, this action prompts user with multiple options, such as Camera, Browse, or Like.

To add a Take Photo action to an action chain:

  1. Open the Actions editor, for example, at the page level.
  2. Create an action chain, or open an existing action chain to add the action in the editor.
  3. Drag Take Photo from the Actions palette into the action chain.

    You can drag the action onto the Add icon ( Add icon ) in the action chain. The Properties pane opens when you add the action to the action chain.

  4. Update the ID field in the Properties pane to make the action more easily identifiable.
  5. Select a value for the Media Type property: either image (default) or video. If Media Type is set to video, options to record video using the Camera or to select video files will be provided for PWA apps on iOS and Android.

    Here's an example of a Take Photo action (with the Media Type set to image) that calls a custom module function, then maps its output to variables.
    Description of takephoto-action.png follows
    Description of the illustration takephoto-action.png