17 Enable Progressive Web App Support

Web (and mobile) applications that you develop in Visual Builder can be distributed as Progressive Web Apps (PWA) if you enable PWA support for the application.

Unlike apps that run in your browser, PWAs can be installed on your device and have a native look-and-feel. You won't need to build the app as an .apk, .aab, or .ipa file or distribute it through the Apple App Store or Google Play.

A PWA created in Visual Builder:

  • Provides a QR code in the browser that your users can scan to install the app.
  • Allows your users to install the application from the browser window and add the application to the Home screen.
  • Runs on the device in a separate window without an address bar, like a native app.
  • Works offline similar to a native app if configured for offline support. To take advantage of offline support, PWA-enabled web apps must be deployed via Grunt. Visual Builder's offline support takes care of making pages, CSS, JavaScript, and all other resources that make up your application available offline. Offline support for your application-specific data must be implemented with the Offline Persistent Toolkit (OPT) or by using standard cache headers.