
Watches visual application or extension sources and re-runs build on changes. Initial build is performed.

Tasks that are involved in the build can be defined by the task target, for example:

# this will just rebuild the project, i.e. runs vb-clean vb-process-local
grunt vb-watch:rebuild
# this will also repackage (vb-clean vb-process-local vb-package)
grunt vb-watch:repackage
# this will also deploy (vb-clean vb-process-local vb-package vb-deploy)
grunt vb-watch:redeploy
# or without target ¿ defaults to repackage
grunt vb-watch

There's also an extra option --watch that can be added to any Grunt command. The behaviour is identical to vb-watch, but will run your custom tasks instead of the predefined sets.

grunt vb-clean vb-process-local vb-test --watch


Detail Description
subtask n/a
multitask n/a



Build Options

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
target n/a build Name of build directory
git-sources n.a ./ Location of sources of the visual application.