Guidelines for Working with Sections

Here are some things to keep in mind while working with sections:

  • A section is the full width of the container. That is, while you can't have two sections side-by-side, the container can stretch to any height required to accommodate all the sections you define. If you want to lay out sections side-by-side, you'll need to change the container's default layout.
  • In addition to simple components like text fields and images, you can also add more complex components to your sections. For example, you might include fields for displaying data from a service, a button that starts an action chain in your visual app, a page fragment, or even other dynamic components.
  • Components in a section can access variables and constants, and trigger events to start action chains.
  • When working with sections, sometimes it’s easier to work in the Structure view, which helps you more readily visualize the position of components. You can also drag components within the Structure view to reorganize them.