Built-In Actions

Visual Builder provides a set of built-in actions that you use to create your action chain. If an action you need isn't available in the Actions palette, use the Code action to add your own block of code, or if a future need warrants it, create a custom action that can be reused.

Each action performs a specific function and requires you to set different properties. For example, when you add the Call REST action to your action chain, you need to specify the endpoint and other details about the response to the Call REST action. Similarly, when you add a Navigate To Page action, you'll need to select a page in your current application to navigate to:
Description of jsac-navigate-action-editor.jpg follows
Description of the illustration jsac-navigate-action-editor.jpg

Use this section to learn more about how to use each built-in action, and if you need further details about an action, refer to the JavaScript Actions section in the Oracle Visual Builder Page Model Reference.