About Translation Resources

The keys and values for translating your application are stored as JSON files in translation bundles in your application.

The names and locations of your translation bundles are up to you, but you must understand the rules governing the file names and the structure of your bundle to ensure that the bundles are recognized when you run your application.

By default, web (and mobile) apps will contain a default app-level bundle with the name app located in the resources/strings folder of the app. The relative path to the default translations bundle is stored in app-flow.json. The path identifies the top-level JSON file in the bundle that identifies the translation locales included in the bundle. If you open the application artifact in the code editor you can see the entry for the path to the translation bundle.

    "translations": {
        "app": {
            "path": "./resources/strings/app/nls/app-strings"

The suggested location for a bundle is resource/strings/<bundle-name>/nls/<bundle-name>-strings.json, where <bundle-name> is the name for the bundle you create. Bundles can be located where you choose, however the paths to the bundles must be specified in app-flow.json. For example, if you created a resource folder containing a bundle for the flow MyFlow, the path in app-flow.json might be similar to ./MyWebApp/flows/MyFlow/resources/strings/MyFlow/nls/MyFlow. You would use the period ( . ) at the beginning of the path to make it relative to the file.

When using translations in code, you can replace code that produces or uses an untranslated string with code that uses the translations object to retrieve the translated string from the bundle. For more on the translations object, see Translations.