Add a Connection to a Custom Backend

You can create your own backend to map to a custom server other than the Oracle Integration, Process, and Oracle Cloud Applications backend services. You can create a custom backend with a free-form URL, or create a custom ADF backend when you know the Describe URL that points to an ADF Describe service.

To add a connection to a custom backend:

  1. Open the instance’s Tenant Settings page.
  2. In the Services tab, click Create Backend.
  3. In the Create Backend wizard, select the type of backend you want to create:
    • To create a backend with a free-form URL, click Custom.
    • To create a backend with the Describe URL of an ADF service, click Custom ADF Describe. Use this option only when your custom ADF Describe endpoint does not have any child backends.
  4. In the Name field, enter a name and description for the custom backend.
  5. Add headers to the backend. Backend headers that you add will be applicable for any service connection to this backend, irrespective of the server or application profile that is used.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Enter the instance URL for the custom backend, configure other settings, such as security, and click Create.