Use the Java API for Caching

The Java API for caching enables your Java application to write values to, read values from, delete values in, and clear the cache. This API is an open source framework with sources hosted on GitHub and binaries both directly downloadable from and available through Maven Central.

This section describes the conceptual framework and basic steps for how to use the Java API for caching. You can download the Java classes and read the Javadoc pages at Oracle Application Container Cloud Service Java SDK for Caching. Tutorials that use this API are Tutorial icon Creating an Application Using the Java API for Caching on Oracle Application Container Cloud Service and Tutorial icon Creating an Application Using the Java API for Caching and a Database on Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.

To access a cache, your application must first define a SessionProvider and a Session object:

  1. Create a SessionProvider obejct for a cache service that you previously created. Provide a URL with the cache service name and the port that supports the desired transport protocol: 1444 for GRPC or 8080 for REST. When using REST, the hostname is followed by /ccs. A GRPC example:

    SessionProvider sp = new RemoteSessionProvider("http://MyCache:1444");

    A REST example:

    SessionProvider sp = new RemoteSessionProvider("http://MyCache/ccs:8080");
  2. Obtain a Session object from the SessionProvider object using a specific transport. A GRPC example:

    Session cs = sp.createSession(Transport.grpc());

    A REST example:

    Session cs = sp.createSession(;
  3. Obtain a Cache object from the Session object. The cache in this example is named users, and it stores objects of class User.

    Cache<Users> users = cs.getCache("users");

After your application has obtained a Cache object, it can interact with the cache. The API includes the methods Cache.get(), Cache.put(), Cache.replace(), and Cache.remove(). For example, the code to put a User object into the users cache with the user’s ID as the key is as follows:


Removing an object from a cache can be as simple as calling users.remove(id), but because caches are not local, the remove operation provides optimization options. The Cache.remove() method lets you specify, among other things, whether you want the removed object returned. By default it returns null. To return the removed object, use the Return.OLD_VALUE option. For example:

User user = users.remove(id, Return.OLD_VALUE);

Like Cache.remove(), the Cache.replace() method provides optimization options and returns null by default. For example:

users.replace(id, user);

For full details about these methods, see the Javadoc pages.