Sample Application

The following code shows an example of how to use this REST API in a Java application. Examples for individual REST requests use snippets from this example.

There is a dependency on Jersey core classes, which looks like this in a Maven pom.xml file:


This code example gets the value of the CACHING_INTERNAL_CACHE_URL environment variable and passes it to the doTest() method, which sends requests to a cache. Note that the REST port is 8080.

Note that this application is only suitable for illustrating communication with the REST API. It sends its output to stdout, which is only available in the Oracle Application Container Cloud application logs.

Also note that there is no explicit command to create a cache. If a REST operation references the name of a cache that doesn’t exist, the cache is created automatically.


import java.util.Map;

 * Simple CCS REST Client Application
public class CCSRestClient {

    // Environment variable that holds CCS service name
    public static final String CCS_ENV_NAME = "CACHING_INTERNAL_CACHE_URL";

    // REST port is 8080
    public static final String REST_PORT = "8080";

    // Cache name to use for the test
    public static final String CACHE_NAME = "testcache";

     * doTest
     * Run the actual test -- performs key/value put, get, and delete.
     * @param ccsHost   Hostname for the service
    public void doTest(String ccsHost)
        // Test key and value -- hardwired as this is just an example
        String testKey = "TheKey";
        String testValue = "TheAssociatedValue";

        // Construct the full URL to service and build a WebTarget
        String fullURL = "http://" + ccsHost + ":" + REST_PORT + "/ccs";
        WebTarget target = ClientBuilder.newClient().target(fullURL);

        // Put the key/value
        Response putResponse = target
                .path(CACHE_NAME + "/" + testKey)
                .put(Entity.entity(testValue, MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN));

        // Output the response status -- should be 204 (success with no returned content)
        System.out.println("Put response status: " + putResponse.getStatus());

        // Get the value & display it for comparison
        Response getResponse = target
                .path(CACHE_NAME + "/" + testKey)

        // Output the response -- status should be 200
        System.out.println("Get response status: " + getResponse.getStatus());
        System.out.println("Get response entity: " + getResponse.readEntity(String.class));

        // Fetch the metrics
        Response getMetricsResponse = target

        // Output the response -- status should be 200
        System.out.println("Get metrics response status: " + getMetricsResponse.getStatus());
        System.out.println("Get metrics response entity: " + getMetricsResponse.readEntity(String.class));

        // Delete the key
        Response deleteResponse = target
                .path(CACHE_NAME + "/" + testKey)

        // Output the response -- status should be 204 (success with no returned content)
        System.out.println("Delete response status: " + deleteResponse.getStatus());

        // Issue a "putIfAbsent" via POST
        Response postResponse = target
                .path(CACHE_NAME + "/" + testKey)
                .header("X-Method", "putIfAbsent")
                .post(Entity.entity(testValue, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM));

        // Output the response status -- should be 204 (success with no returned content)
        System.out.println("PutIfAbsent response: " + postResponse.getStatus());

        // Issue a clear cache
        Response deleteCacheResponse = target

        // Output the response -- should be 204 (success with no returned content)
        System.out.println("Delete cache response status: " + deleteCacheResponse.getStatus());

     * main
     * Instantiates the app class and runs the test.
     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args)
        String ccsHost;
        CCSRestClient ccsClient = new CCSRestClient();

        // Fetch the cache service name from the environment, that's the ccsHost
        Map<String, String> env = System.getenv();
        ccsHost = env.get(CCS_ENV_NAME);

        // Execute the test
