Typical Workflow for Packaging Process

Depending on your application, you might need to perform most or all of these tasks to prepare it for deployment to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.

Task Description More Information
Make your application self-contained

The application must include everything it needs to run independently. For Java applications, this means all referenced classes must be included.

Make a Standalone Application
Select the launch command

For PHP applications, a launch command is optional: By default a PHP application is launched from its index file. For Java EE web applications, a launch command is unnecessary. For other application types, you must specify the launch command. Depending on your application, this could be a Java, JavaScript, or shell command.

Select the Launch Command
Create the metadata files

Applications that require a launch command must include a manifest.json file. This file specifies information that Oracle Application Container Cloud Service requires to run your application properly. Optionally, you can also specify additional information about instance scaling, environment variables, and service bindings in a deployment.json file.

Create Metadata Files
Archive your application

Applications must be archived in a .zip, .tgz, or tar.gz file with the manifest.json file at the root if present. This ensures that Oracle Application Container Cloud Service can find the manifest.json file. You don’t need to include a Java EE web application in a .zip, .tgz, or .tar.gz file unless you need to set values in the manifest.json file, which is optional.

Create the Deployment-Ready Archive