Oracle® Cloud

What's New for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service

Release 19.3.3


September 2019

What’s New for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service

As soon as new and changed features become available, Oracle Application Container Cloud Service instances are upgraded in the data centers where Oracle Cloud services are hosted. You don’t need to request an upgrade to be able to use the new features—they come to you automatically. Here’s an overview of new features and enhancements added recently to improve your Oracle Application Container Cloud Service experience.

Sept 2019

Feature Description
Access to the Platform Services for universal credit accounts Use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console to access your Platfom Services and the Oracle Application Container Cloud Service console. See Access Oracle Application Container Cloud Service from the Infrastructure Console

Sept 2018

Feature Description
Changes to the user interface Some elements in the Oracle Application Container Cloud Service user interface have a new look and feel. For example, there are changes to page layout, tabs, icons, and menus.
Removing Quick Start Templates The Quick Start Templates are removed from the Oracle Application Container Cloud Service console. You still can create a sample a application from the user interface. See Creating an Application in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.

Aug 2018

Feature Description
GitHub support for Java EE applications You can create Java EE applications from source code in GitHub. See Preparing an Application Stored on Github for Deployment in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.

July 2018

Feature Description
Hash IP Load balancing policy You can specify the load balancing policy in your application to automate traffic distribution from one entry point to multiples servers. See Selecting a Load Balancing Policy in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service

June 2018

Feature Description
Java SE 10 support You can deploy Java SE 10 applications to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service. See Creating an Application in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service and Creating Metadata Files in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service
Applications page shows applications with errors upon creation When you create an application and the application binary contains errors, the Applications page shows it with the status of “Deployment Failed”. You can look at the logs, fix the issues and deploy it. See Using the Applications Page, Creating an Application and Exploring the Application Administration Page in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.

May 2018

Feature Description
GitHub support for Node.js applications You can create Node.js applications from source code in GitHub. See Preparing an Application Stored on Github for Deployment in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
NFS volume support Oracle Application Container Cloud Service supports mounting of NFS volumes into the application containers for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic accounts. See Network File System in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service

April 2018

Feature Description
GitHub Support Oracle Application Container Cloud Service enables building and creating a runnable application directly from source code in GitHub. See Preparing an Application Stored on Github for Deployment in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Support for Health Check URL  Now you can specify your own HTTP endpoint for the application health check by using the http_endpoint parameter in the manifest.json file. See Creating Meta Data Files in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Provisioning Quick Start Applications Sample applications give you the fastest, easiest way to create an Oracle Application Container Cloud Service application without you have to write a single line of code. Oracle Application Container Cloud Service provides you the following quick start sample applications:
  • Dropwizard Application

  • Employee Application (Java EE)

  • Inventory Management Application

  • Employee Application (Tomcat server)

Sample Applications in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Download Application Archive You can download the archive for an application from a menu option on the Deployments page. See Exploring the Application Deployments Page in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Support for Context Root Now you can specify a different context root for your applications by using the home parameter in the manifest.json file. See Creating Meta Data Files in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.

March 2018

Feature Description
Secure Environment Variables Now you can make your environment variables secure by using the user interface or the deployment.json file. The value of the secure environment variables is hidden on the user interface. See Configuring Environment Variables in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service and Creating Metadata Files in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Linux Packages You can install additional packages in a Java SE, PHP, Node.js, or Java EE application container to make your application work. See Installing Linux Packages in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.

February 2018

Feature Description
Automatic Scaling You can define rules to automatically scale up or down to increase or decrease memory per application instance, and scale out or in to create or reduce number of application instances on an application. You can also edit and/or delete existing rules. See Automatically Scaling an Application in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Application Tags

You can use the  Oracle Application Container Cloud Service console and the REST API to create and manage tags for categorizing your applications, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. You can easily identify and search for applications based on the tags you have assigned to the applications.

You can:

  • Create tags

  • Assign and unassign tags after an application is created

  • Search for applications by using tags

See Using the Applications Page, Creating an Application and Exploring the Application Overview Page in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
New Commands in the PaaS Service Manager Command Line Interface New available-updates, applied-updates, rollback, and update commands are available in the accs category. See psm accs Commands in PaaS Service Manager Command Line Interface Reference

January 2018

Feature Description
UI Branding Changes The Oracle Application Container Cloud Service user interface has minor changes in this release, for example:
  • The look and feel of the Branding bar changed

  • The icons of the Oracle Service names on the side menu are removed

  • The Helper Drawer icon is moved out to the top of the Branding bar

  • The Service Type menu is moved to the right side

  • A new Service Details icon is displayed on the Application Overview page

  • The look and feel of the Start, Stop, and Refresh icons changed

December 2017

Feature Description
.NET Support You can deploy .NET applications to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service. See Creating an Application in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service and Creating Metadata Files in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Create Application Dialog Box Changes Less frequently used options in the Create Application dialog box are hidden by default. See Creating an Application in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Oracle Identity Cloud Service Support Enhancements Oracle Application Container Cloud Service integration with Oracle Identity Cloud Service supports PHP applications in addition to Java SE 7 and 8 and Node.js applications. It also supports both basic and OAuth authentication. See Using Oracle Identity Cloud Service with Oracle Application Container Cloud Service in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.

October 2017

Feature Description
Replication Policy Set by Default You no longer need to set the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic replication policy before you can deploy applications to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Go Support You can deploy Go applications to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service. See Creating an Application in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service and Creating Metadata Files in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Worker Applications A worker application is private, accessible only by other applications. This is useful for back-end processes that run in the background and have no user interface. See Preparing a Worker Application for Deployment in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Secure Applications You can create a corresponding application in Oracle Identity Cloud Service to control who can access your Java SE or Node.js application. See Creating an Application in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Service Bindings for Oracle Data Hub Cloud Service You can create service bindings for applications to communicate with Oracle Data Hub Cloud Service. See Managing Service Bindings in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Recording All Instances at Once When you create a recording using Java Flight Recorder, it’s for all application instances at once by default. You can still create a recording for an individual instance. See Exploring the Application Administration Page in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.

September 2017

Feature Description
Java EE Web Application Support You can deploy Java EE 7 .war files to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service. See Preparing a Java EE Web Application for Deployment in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Deployment Status Notification When you deploy an application, you can specify an email address to which to send notification of the deployment status. See Creating an Application in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service, accs push in PaaS Service Manager Command Line Interface Reference, and Create an Application in REST API for Managing Applications.
Java SE and Node.js Updates Java SE versions 7u141b11 through 7u151b15, 8u131b11 through 8u141b15, and 9eab173 through 9b178 are supported. Node.js versions 4.8.3 through 4.8.4, 6.11.0 through 6.11.1, and 8.1.0 through 8.1.4 are supported.

August 2017

Feature Description
Atomic Application Update On the Deployments tab in the Application Console, you can make multiple changes to an application and restart it once. See Exploring the Application Deployments Page in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Log and Recording Count and Consolidation, and Most Recent Log Lines The Administration tab in the Application Console displays a timestamp of when the most recent logs and recordings were retrieved and a count of the number of logs and recordings. Logs and recordings are each listed in a single table instead of in separate tables for each application instance. You can also view the 2000 most recent log lines in a pop-up window. See Exploring the Application Administration Page in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Two Instance and 2 GB Defaults The default number of application instances is two. The default amount of memory per instance is 2 GB. See Creating an Application in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service and Creating Metadata Files in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Java SE 9 Early Access Support You can deploy Java SE 9 applications to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service. See Creating an Application in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service and Creating Metadata Files in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Node.js and PHP Updates Node.js versions 4.8.0 through 4.8.3 and 6.10.0 through 6.11.0 are supported. PHP versions 7.0.16 through 7.0.20 and 7.1.2 through 7.1.6 are supported.

July 2017

Feature Description
Help Drawer A help drawer is available on each page of the Oracle Application Container Cloud Service web interface.
Java SE Updates Java SE versions 7u141 and 8u131 are supported.

June 2017

Feature Description
Ruby Support You can deploy Ruby applications to Oracle Application Container Cloud Service. See Creating an Application in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service and Creating Metadata Files in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
Archive Upload in the PaaS Service Manager Command Line Interface You can use the -p option to upload an archive or directory when deploying an application using the CLI. See accs push in PaaS Service Manager Command Line Interface Reference.
Using Oracle Cloud Stack The Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service book now includes a section on using Oracle Cloud Stack with Oracle Application Container Cloud Service. See Deploying an Application and Configuring a Database with Stack Manager.

Other Noteworthy Changes

The following third-party and Oracle software versions are supported in the current Oracle Application Container Cloud Service release.

Software Versions

Node 4

4.8.3, 4.8.4, 4.8.7, 4.8.7

Node 6

6.10.0, 6.11.0, 6.11.1, 6.12.2, 6.12.2

Node 8

8.1.0, 8.1.4, 8.9.3, 8.9.3

Node .10

0.10.48, 0.10.48

Node .12

0.12.17, 0.12.18, 0.12.18

Oracle Linux 7.2
Oracle Java SE


7u141b11, 7u151b15, 7u161b13, 7u171b61, 7u181b09, 7u181b09


8u131b11, 8u141b15, 8u144b01, 8u151b12, 8u162b32, 8u171b11, 8u171b11


9eab173, 9b178, 901b11, 904b11, 904b11

JDK 10

10.0.1-b46, 10.0.1-b46

Oracle Java EE 7

PHP 5.6

5.6.22, 5.6.30, 5.6.30

PHP 7.0

7.0.16, 7.0.20, 7.0.20

PHP 7.1

7.1.2, 7.1.6, 7.1.6

Python 2.7.13, 2.7.14, 2.7.15, 3.6.0, 3.6.1, 3.6.2, 3.6.3, 3.6.4, 3.6.5, 3.6.6, 3.6.7
Ruby 2.3.4, 2.3.5, 2.3.6, 2.3.7, 2.3.8,2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4, 2.4.5
Go 1.7.6, 1.8.3, 1.8.4, 1.8.5, 1.8.6, 1.8.7
.NET 1.1.2-runtime, 2.0.0-runtime

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Cloud What's New for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service, Release 19.3.3


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