About the Adapter Definition Document

To publish an adapter to Oracle Integration, you must define the specifications and functions of your adapter in a JSON-metadata file, termed as the adapter definition document.

An adapter definition document typically describes the design and implementation of an adapter. It contains information about the adapter's behavior and properties. You don't have to create this document manually. The VS Code extension for Rapid Adapter Builder can quickly create an adapter definition document from either of the following sources:

  • A Postman collection of an application's APIs
  • An OpenAPI document that describes a set of APIs of an application

The VS Code extension automatically populates various components of the adapter definition document from the data in the Postman collection or OpenAPI file as best it can. However, you must review the document and make necessary changes for the adapter to implement the desired behavior. To understand how data is populated from a Postman collection (or an OpenAPI document) into an adapter definition document, see Data Mapping in the Adapter Definition Document.

An adapter definition document offers the following capabilities, which you can customize as needed:

  • Connection definition
  • Endpoint configuration
  • Flow activation
  • Runtime execution

An adapter definition document consists of the following sections. You can edit them in VS Code:

Section Description

Describes the general information and branding of the adapter.


Defines the structure that appears in the mapper in Oracle Integration.


Defines the connection parameters and security policies supported by adapter.


Defines the events that the adapter can receive to start an integration.


Defines the operations that can be implemented against the target application. Actions provide a user-centric encapsulation of the operations available and exposed in the target application.


Defines grouping of actions and triggers for a better user experience.


Defines the implementation logic that drives the adapter. Flows are modeled using a subset of the constructs that are supported in the Serverless Workflow specification of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) project.

To learn more about updating different sections of an adapter definition document, see Work with the Adapter Definition Document.