Create a Trigger Connection Definition to Invoke Protected Endpoints

This topic describes how to implement a trigger connection that can invoke protected endpoints in designtime and during activation.

Before you start implementing a trigger connection to invoke protected endpoints, collect and note the following information:

  • Check the webhook producer documentation for information on webhook protection.
  • Identify the relevant trigger policy and its configuration.
  • Check how the endpoints are protected.
  • Identify the required invoke/action policies and related configurations.
  1. Open the adapter definition document in Visual Studio Code Editor.
  2. Navigate to the connections code section of the document and in the security policy, set the scope to TRIGGER.
  3. Set type of policy as composite.
  4. In the security policy, configure policyInbound and policyOutbbound with actual policy information.

    Ensure the following in the security policy:

    • policyOutbbound defines the authorization code credentialspolicy.
    • policyInbound defines the JWT validation policy.
    • policyOutbbound extension is defined at composite policy level.

    Sample code:

           "type": "composite",
           "description": "This policy is used by OIC for validating incoming requests as well as for invoking Pub/Sub APIs",
           "displayName": "Pub/Sub security policy",
           "scope": "TRIGGER",
           "policyOutbound": {
             "type": "managed",
             "securityProperties": [
                 "name": "",
                 "displayName": "PubSub Client ID",
                 "description": "PubSub Client ID",
                 "shortDescription": "Example: 35532456156-jdek24mdmlqutog3gnc3rfqqhdleori19r",
                 "required": true,
                 "hidden": false
                 "name": "oauth.client.secret",
                 "displayName": "PubSub Client Secret",
                 "description": "PubSub Client Secret",
                 "shortDescription": "Example: GOCDPX-gBQdjnPG4Hdi940zJCuksUPXWer4",
                 "required": true,
                 "hidden": false
                 "name": "oauth.access.token.uri",
                 "default": "",
                 "required": false,
                 "hidden": true
                 "name": "oauth.scope",
                 "default": "",
                 "required": false,
                 "hidden": true
                 "name": "oauth.auth.code.uri",
                 "default": "",
                 "required": false,
                 "hidden": true
                 "name": "clientAuthentication",
                 "default": "client_credentials_in_body",
                 "required": false,
                 "hidden": true
           "policyInbound": {
               "type": "managed",
               "policy": "JWT_VALIDATION",
               "securityProperties": [
                       "name": "subjectClaim",
                       "displayName": "Subject claim Override",
                       "hidden": true,
                       "required": false,
                       "default": ""
                       "name": "jwtToken",
                       "displayName": "JWT Token",
                       "hidden": true,
                       "required": true,
                       "default": "${.request.headers.authorization|split(\" \")|.[1]}"
                       "name": "signatureKey",
                       "displayName": "JWK URL",
                       "hidden": true,
                       "required": true,
                       "default": ""
                       "name": "customClaimsValidation",
                       "displayName": "Custom Claims Validation",
                       "hidden": true,
                       "required": false,
                       "default": ""