Implement a New Connection Definition

Use the authentication scheme templates to implement new connection definitions in the connection section of an adapter definition document.

To implement a new connection definition, open the adapter definition document in the VS Code editor.

  1. In VS Code, click Explorer Explorer icon on the sidebar.
    The directory structure of your workspace folder is displayed.
  2. Within the definitions directory listing, click the adapter definition document that you want to work on.
    The document is displayed in the VS Code editor.
  3. Right-click anywhere in your document to view the context menu, and then click RAB: Insert Authentication Scheme.
    A list of authentication schemes is displayed.
  4. Select an authentication scheme from the list to insert the corresponding template into your document.
    1. For invoke connections, you can insert the following authentication schemes:
      • HTTP Basic Authentication
      • API Key Based Authentication
      • OCI Signature Version 1
      • OAuth 1.0 One-Legged Authentication
      • OAuth Authorization Code Policy
      • OAuth Client Credentials
      • OAuth Resource Owner Password Credentials
      • OAuth JWT User Assertion
      • Oauth JWT Client Assertion
    2. For trigger connections, you can insert the following authentication schemes:
      • Basic Authentication
      • OAuth2.0
      • HMAC Signature Validation
      • RSA Signature Validation
      • JWT Validation
    Under the connection object of your document, the connectionProperties and securityPolicies sections are populated as per the template.
  5. Update the values in these sections according to your requirements. To understand the properties of each section, see the following topics:
  6. Press Ctrl+S to save the document.