Review and Update an Adapter Definition Document

After you convert a Postman collection (or an OpenAPI document) to an adapter definition document, you can review the generated document and make changes according to your requirements.

To a large extent, the Rapid Adapter Builder automatically populates various components of the document from the data in the Postman collection (or OpenAPI document). However, if you publish a converted adapter definition document without much changes, you may have a functional adapter, but the user experience in terms of the endpoint configuration or the mapper elements may not be optimal. Therefore, you must review the document and make the changes required for your adapter.

Among other things, you can extend or override the interfaces in the document (for example, the adapter-endpoint configuration interface), or add new capabilities to the document.

  1. In VS Code, click Explorer Explorer icon on the sidebar.
    The directory structure of your workspace folder is displayed.
  2. Click the definitions directory listing to expand it.
  3. Click the adapter definition document that you want to review or update.
    The document is displayed in the VS Code editor.
  4. Update the document as needed. For guidelines on how to update different sections of the adapter definition document, see Work with the Adapter Definition Document.


    After conversion, at a minimum, you must add the following details to an adapter definition document: