Validation Rules for the Adapter Definition Document

When you push an adapter to Oracle Integration, the Rapid Adapter Builder validates the adapter definition document for syntactic and semantic errors. Additionally, you can validate the adapter definition document at any time from within the VS Code extension.

The following sections describe the warnings and errors that can occur for an adapter definition document.


You must resolve all errors. You can't push an adapter to Oracle Integration if the adapter definition document has one or more validation errors.

Rule ID What happened, and how to fix it


The connection section contains code for testing a connection, but the code references a flow that isn't in the flows section.

If the flow is missing, add it. Otherwise, update the name of the flow in the connection section.


In the actions section,

The action flow is undefined.


In the actions section, the input property is empty.

Define an input schema using the input property.

If flow is referenced by action schema, then flow must exist.


In the actions section, the output property is empty.

Define an output schema using the output property.


Some actions may not need an output schema.


In the connection section,

Extended OAuth flow in a connection is undefined. If an extended OAuth flow is defined, the referred flow must exist.


In the flows section,

The configuration field flow is not defined.

If a configuration field references a flow, then the flow must exist.


In the actions section,

If an action's input or output schema reference is not defined.

If a referenced schema does not exist.


In the flows section,

The default testConnectionFlow URI from the code snippet on Visual Studio Code is not updated.


In the flows section,

The jq expression is invalid.


In the actions section,

The parent dependency field does not exist.


In the info section,

Allowed domain is an array and supports a valid host name/IP:Port combination in value. The only allowed wildcard special character is *.


In the flows section,

Number of outbound invocations using connectivity::rest must not exceed 4 for each flow (design time and runtime) in synchronous flow.


In the flows section,

The security property is invalid.


In the flows section,

Flow contains multiple actions with the same name.


In the flows section,

Flow contains an invalid usage of a function.


Review all warnings and address them if you can. You can still push an adapter to Oracle Integration if the adapter definition document has one or more warnings.

Rule ID What happened, and how to fix it


No triggers are defined in the triggers section.

Define one or more triggers.


In the info section,

Empty keys or empty strings within the application information section.


In the actions section, two or more actions have the same displayName value.

Update the actions so that they have unique displayName values.


In the connection section, two or more security policies have the same displayName value.

Update the security policies so that they have unique displayName values.


In the connection section, two or more security properties have the same displayName value.

Update the security properties so that they have unique displayName values.


In the connection section, two or more connection properties have the same displayName value.

Update the connection properties so that they have unique displayName values.


In the categories section, two or more category groups have the same displayName value.

Update the category groups so that they have unique displayName values.


In the flows section,

Absolute endpointURI must not be specified as URI within CNCF Actions.

              "functionRef": {
                "refName": "generalRestFunc",
                "arguments": {
                  "uri": "",
                  "method": "GET"


The baseURL should be something set at the connection level and if this is static, to make the property hidden and offer a default value.


In the info section,

This warning appears when you use the following constructs to define the domain:

  • Wildcard as a value.
  • Only top level domain.
  • Wildcard in top level.
  • Wildcard in second level domain.


the info section doesn't define the allowed domains for the adapter.

Define the allowed domains for the adapter.


In the info section, below publisherInfo, one or more required properties isn't defined.

Define all required properties in the publisherInfo section.

Unidentified Rules

Rule ID What happened, and how to fix it


The URLs that are specified in the flows and connections sections, including securityPolicies are not specified in the info section, in the allowedDomains section.

Make sure that all URLs that are specified in the document are also specified in the info section.

This security requirement prevents an adapter from reaching a third-party endpoint that hasn't been specified as an allowable domain.


In the schemas section, one or more headers contains a capital letter.

Update the headers so that they include only lower-case letters.


In the connection section,

The connection information does not contain flows, and if a connection property is used in security policies.


In the connection section,

jq expression is invalid in a default security property value.


The connection section has more than 10 connection properties.

Reduce the number of connection properties to 10 or fewer.


In the connection section,

Name of the managed security policy name is unknown.


In the triggers section,

The number of static triggers exceed 100.


In the triggers section,

The JSON schema contains unknown properties.


In the triggers section,

In the schema, the trigger and action sections using JSON Schema, they should either choose reference ($ref), to the flattened schema.


In the actions section,

Number of static actions exceed 100.


In the actions section,

Number of action configurations exceed 30.


In the actions section,

The different ways to offer schemas for input/output should be mutual exclusion. For example, if resolved from urn, there should not have hard-coded schemaType and schema

In the actions section,

The configuration field contains more than one dependency declaration.


In the categories section,

Unused categories are specified.


In the categories section,

Category support exceeds the maximum limit of 20.


In the flows section,

A testing flow must not have any references to .Input. There are no action inputs while calling a testing flow.

In the flows section,

Number of CNCF actions within a state exceed 10.

In the flows section,

Number of states with in a flow should not exceed 10