Trigger Receive Operations Page

Enter the required details on the Operation page.

Element Description

Agent Select Resource

Select the agent select resource:

  • Queue
  • Topic

Select Queue

(Only shown if you select Queue.)

Select a queue from the list such as queue_avro, queue_json, and so on.

Select Topic

(Only shown if you select Topic.)

Select a topic from the list, such as topic_avro_k, topic-json, topic_xml_k, topic-xsd-j, and so on.

Specify the value of the frequency (in seconds) at which records will be fetched

Specify the frequency at which to fetch records. The maximum value is 600 seconds, and the default value is 10 seconds.

Specify the value for the maximum number of records to be fetched

Specify the number of messages to receive. You can enter a number between 1 and 5000. The default value is 1.

Note: This field specifies the upper boundary of records to fetch. It does not guarantee the specified number of records to retrieve from the stream in a single run. Remaining messages are fetched in subsequent runs.

Do you want to specify the message structure?
  • Yes: Select to define the message structure to use on the Message Structure page of the wizard.
  • No: Select to not specify a message structure.
Do you want to specify the headers for the message?
  • Yes: Select to define the custom headers to use on the Headers page of the wizard.
  • No: Select to not define custom headers.
Do you want to specify the Filters for the Subscription ?

(Only shown if you select Consume.)

  • Yes: Select to define a SQL-like conditional expression for system and custom headers (based on which messages are filtered) on the Filters page of the wizard.
  • No: Select to not specify filters.