Invoke Operation Page

View and configure the Oracle CPQ invoke operation values for your integration.

Element Description

CPQ API Version 2

Displays Commerce.

Select an Operation

Select an operation. These operations come from the WSDL you specified when creating the connection.
  • Add a Transaction: Adds a new item to an existing transaction performing the Add from Catalog action. The input parameters include the process, the document, the action on the document, and the items to be added.

  • Create Transaction: Supports the creation of a commerce Transaction without line items and transactions with nonconfigurable line items from a specified process. For all transactions required to be created with configurable line items, the Configuration SOAP API must be invoked. This action returns the transaction ID.

  • Export File Attachments: Exports a file attachment using one of two methods to stream the data through SOAP:
    • Inline base64 content in a SOAP message

    • Binary stream with MIME containers through an MTOM transmission

    These methods read and write multiple attributes at once per transaction. This API can only be used by full-access users with the Modify Users permission. There are two modes available for use:
    • Content: Retrieves the content of the attached fields.

    • Metadata: Retrieves the file information or metadata for the referenced fields.

  • Get Transaction: Returns the complete Transaction XML content for the given Transaction ID.

  • Import File Attachments: Imports a file attachment using one of two methods to stream the data through SOAP:
    • Inline base64 content in a SOAP message

    • Binary stream with MIME containers through an MTOM transmission

    These methods read and write multiple attributes at once per transaction. This API can only be used by full-access users with the Modify Users permission. There are two modes available for use:
    • Update: Attaches a file or set of files to the transaction

    • Delete: Removes a file from the file attachment attribute

  • Remove from Transaction: Removes an item from an existing transaction by performing the Remove Line Items action. The input parameters include the document ID, document number, process name, and document name.

  • Update Transaction: Updates an existing transaction by performing the Modify and Auto-fill actions. The Create Document action is not supported.

Business Objects

Displays the Transaction business object.