4 Activate and Run the Recipe

After you've configured the connections and other resources, you can activate and run the recipe.

  1. In the project workspace, click Activate. In the Activate project panel, with the default project deployment selected, choose an appropriate tracing option, then click Activate.

    A message confirms that the integration has been activated. Refresh the page to view the updated status of the integration.

  2. Configure the basic authentication in ServiceNow for the integration flow of the recipe.
    1. After activating the recipe, obtain the metadata URL of the integration flow.
      1. In the Integrations section of the project workspace, click Actions Actions icon on the integration flow, then select Run details.
      2. In the Run details panel, copy the Metadata URL value.
    2. Use the metadata URL to configure a basic authentication in ServiceNow. This is necessary to invoke the integration flow in Oracle Integration from ServiceNow.
      See Invoke an Integration from ServiceNow in Using the ServiceNow Adapter with Oracle Integration 3.
  3. Run the recipe.

    To run the recipe, you must perform the following tasks in the Servicenow instance.

    1. Log in to your ServiceNow instance as an administrator.
    2. On the left navigation pane, enter Incident in the Filter navigator field.
      The Self-Service menu displays all modules related to Incident.
    3. In the Self-Service menu, click Incidents.
    4. In the Incidents window, click New.
    5. Fill the fields as required in the incident creation form.
    6. Click Submit.
    You’ve now created an incident in ServiceNow and triggered the recipe.
  4. Monitor the running of the integration flow in Oracle Integration.
    1. In the project workspace, click Observe. You'll see the integration flow being triggered and running successfully.
    2. To manage errors in your project, see Manage Errors in a Project.
  5. Check for the new JIRA issue created.
    1. Log in to your Atlassian instance.
    2. Select Search in the navigation bar.
    3. Choose the newly created issue from the list of recent issues that are displayed. Open the issue and check if the details match the incident that you created in ServiceNow.
    4. Optionally, you can filter the search results by choosing the project under which the issue is created.