
Ensure that all prerequisites for the integrations DR solution are met before you begin the configuration process.

Before you begin the DR configuration process for integrations, you must:
  • Provision a second Oracle Integration instance in a different OCI region with at least one message pack. However, to ensure that the secondary instance handles the usual volume, provision it with the same number of message packs as your primary instance.

  • Provision an OCI Object Storage bucket for metadata migration.

  • Obtain a custom host name (in a domain of your choice) and an SSL certificate for it.

Configure a Custom Endpoint

This procedure allows applications and users to access the same URL.

Configure a common custom endpoint for your Oracle Integration instances, so that applications and users can access Oracle Integration with the same URL regardless of which instance is active in the background.


Custom endpoint support is provided for the runtime URL, but not for the design-time URL. To log in to Oracle Integration at design time, you must use the URL provided during service instance provisioning.

See Configure a Custom Endpoint for an Instance in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3 for the full list of tasks.