Activate and Test the Integration

Activate the Integration

Perform the following steps to activate the "EBS Site" integration you just created:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Design, then Integrations.
  2. On the Integrations page, hover your cursor over the EBS_Site integration, then click Activate Activate icon.
  3. The Confirmation dialog appears. Click Activate.

    Notice that a status message is displayed in the banner at the top of the Integrations page.

Test the Integration

Perform the following steps to test the integration:

  1. On the Integrations page, hover your cursor over the EBS_Site integration. Click Actions Actions icon, then Run.
  2. In the Request section of the Test Integration page, select the Body tab and then enter the following information in the Body field:

      "SiteName":"Demo Site",
      "BrandName":"Brand A",
      "Country":"United States",
      "Address1":"100 A1"
  3. Click Run to invoke the integration.

    In the Response section, you will find the following response message indicating that this integration is successfully invoked. The new site called "Demo Site" with site number Site1 is created in Oracle E-Business Suite Site Hub.

     "message”: “SUCCESS. Site Number=Site1"