Create Mappings

After adding the trigger (source) connection and invoke (target) connection in your integration, you can create the following mappings to pass the required parameter values to the subsequent REST services:

  • Define mappings for EBS_Reference

  • Define mappings for REST

Create mappings for EBS_Reference:

  1. In the "EBS Java Service Demo" integration flow, click Edit Edit icon for the EBS_Reference icon.

  2. Perform the following tasks to assign constant values to the target elements:

    • In the Target section, expand the Request (Oracle E-Business Suite) node, and then the RESTHeader node.

      Right-click the ctx_responsibility element and select Create Target Node from the drop-down menu.

    • In the Expression Builder at the bottom of the page, click Switch to Design View Switch view icon and then enter 'EMPLOYEE_DIRECT_ACCESS_V4.0' for the ctx_responsibility element.

      A function icon is added to the Mapping Canvas section for the target ctx_responsibility element node.

    Similarly, use the same approach to assign values to the target elements listed in the following table:

    Path Element Value
    Request (Oracle E-Business Suite)/RESTHeader ctx_respapplication 'PER'
    Request (Oracle E-Business Suite)/RESTHeader ctx_securitygroup 'STANDARD'
    Request (Oracle E-Business Suite)/FilterParameters businessGroupId '202'
    Request (Oracle E-Business Suite)/FilterParameters absenceAttendanceTypeId '12'

    This image shows the mapper for the EBS_Reference activity. At the top left are the Designer, Code, and Test buttons. To the right are the Developer, XSLT, View, and Filter buttons. Below this are the Sources, Mapping Canvas, and Target sections.The Personid source data element is mapped to the Personid target data element. Five function boxes are visible in the Mapping Canvas for the ctx_responsibility, ctx_respapplication, ctx_securitygroup, businessGroupId, and absenceAttendanceTypeId target data elements.

    After you complete this step, the function icons should appear in the Mapping Canvas section for the corresponding target element nodes.

  3. Create the mappings between the source and target elements:

    • In the Source section, expand the execute node, then the QueryParameters node.

      Select the personid element.

    • In the Target section, expand the Request (Oracle E-Business Suite) node, and then the FilterParameters node.

      Select the personid element.

    Drag the personid element from the Source section to the personid element in the Target section to map the data.

    Once you complete this step, the mapped source value and the corresponding target element are marked with green checks.

  4. Click Validate and then exit the Mapper. Click Save to save your work.

Create mappings for REST:

  1. In the middle of the integration, click edit for the REST icon.

  2. Create mappings to map the source and target elements.

    • In the Source section, expand the EBS_Reference Response (Oracle E-Business Suite) node, then the getPersonAbsenceBalanceDtlsResponse node, then the getPersonAbsenceBalanceDtls_Output node, then the OutputParameters node, then the Output node, and then the PerAbsenceBalanceDataBean node.

      Select the Personid element.

    • In the Target section, expand the REST Response (REST) node, then the Response Wrapper node, then the Get Person Absence Balance Dtls node, then the OutputParameters node, then the Output node, and then the Per Absence Balance Data Bean node.

      Select the Personid element.

    Drag the Personid element from the Source section to the Personid element in the Target section to map the data.

  3. Use the same approach to complete the mappings for the elements listed in the following table.

    Source Path Source Element Target Path Target Element
    EBS_Reference Response (Oracle E-Business Suite)/getPersonAbsenceBalanceDtlsResponse/getPersonAbsenceBalanceDtls_Output/OutputParameters/Output/PerAbsenceBalanceDataBean BusinessGroupId REST Response (REST)/REST Response/get Person Absence Balance Dtls/OutputParameters/Output/Per Absence Balance Data Bean BusinessGroupId
    EBS_Reference Response (Oracle E-Business Suite)/getPersonAbsenceBalanceDtlsResponse/getPersonAbsenceBalanceDtls_Output/OutputParameters/Output/PerAbsenceBalanceDataBean AbsenceAttendanceTypeId REST Response (REST)/REST Response/get Person Absence Balance Dtls/OutputParameters/Output/Per Absence Balance Data Bean AbsenceAttendanceTypeId
    EBS_Reference Response (Oracle E-Business Suite)/getPersonAbsenceBalanceDtlsResponse/getPersonAbsenceBalanceDtls_Output/OutputParameters/Output/PerAbsenceBalanceDataBean AbsenceTypeName REST Response (REST)/REST Response/get Person Absence Balance Dtls/OutputParameters/Output/Per Absence Balance Data Bean AbsenceTypeName
    EBS_Reference Response (Oracle E-Business Suite)/getPersonAbsenceBalanceDtlsResponse/getPersonAbsenceBalanceDtls_Output/OutputParameters/Output/PerAbsenceBalanceDataBean Total REST Response (REST)/REST Response/get Person Absence Balance Dtls/OutputParameters/Output/Per Absence Balance Data Bean Total
    EBS_Reference Response (Oracle E-Business Suite)/getPersonAbsenceBalanceDtlsResponse/getPersonAbsenceBalanceDtls_Output/OutputParameters/Output/PerAbsenceBalanceDataBean Taken REST Response (REST)/REST Response/get Person Absence Balance Dtls/OutputParameters/Output/Per Absence Balance Data Bean Taken
    EBS_Reference Response (Oracle E-Business Suite)/getPersonAbsenceBalanceDtlsResponse/getPersonAbsenceBalanceDtls_Output/OutputParameters/Output/PerAbsenceBalanceDataBean Planned REST Response (REST)/REST Response/get Person Absence Balance Dtls/OutputParameters/Output/Per Absence Balance Data Bean Planned

    This image shows the mapper for the Map to REST activity. At the top left are the Designer, Code, and Test. To the right are the Developer, XSLT, View, and Filter buttons. Below this are the Sources, Mapping Canvas, and Target sections. The Personid, BusinessGroupId, AbsenceAttendanceTypeId, AbsenceTypeName, Total, Taken, and Planned source data elements are mapped respectively to the Personid, BusinessGroupId, AbsenceAttendanceTypeId, AbsenceTypeName, Total, Taken, and Planned target data elements.

    Once you complete this step, the mapped source value and the corresponding target element are connected by a line.

    Click Validate and then exit the Mapper. Click Save to save your work.

The two mappings are all created successfully.