Establish the Connections for Oracle E-Business Suite and REST Services

In this integration example, you need to create the following two connections:

  • Connection for Oracle E-Business Suite

    Once the connection to an Oracle E-Business Suite instance is successfully established, you can add the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter as invoke (target) connections later in an integration.

  • Connection for REST services

    You need to establish the connection for REST services. You can add this REST connection as a trigger (source) connection later in an integration.

Create an Oracle E-Business Suite Connection with Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter

Perform the following steps to establish the connection for Oracle E-Business Suite in Oracle Integration:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Design, then Connections.

  2. On the Connections page, click Create.

    In the Create Connection panel, scroll down and select "Oracle E-Business Suite" from a list of adapters. The Create Connection dialog appears allowing you to create a connection through the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter.

    You can optionally use the search feature to enter a full or partial name to locate the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter.

  3. In the Create Connection dialog, enter the following information for your connection:

    • Name: Enter "EBSDemo".

    • Identifier: Accept the default populated identifier, such as "EBSDEMO".

    • Role: Select the "Trigger and Invoke" role for this connection.

    • Keywords: Leave this blank.
    • Description: Enter "Use the Oracle E-Business Suite Adapter connection in an integration" as the description.

    Click Create to create the connection.

  4. Enter additional connection details:

    • In the Properties section, enter a URL (http://<Oracle E-Business Suite host name>:<port>) to connect to an Oracle E-Busiess Suite instance.

    • In the Security section, Basic Authentication is automatically shown as the security policy.

      Enter bpalmer as the user name and its associated password to access the Oracle E-Business Suite instance you specified earlier in the Properties section.

    • Click Associate Configure Agents to display the Associate Agent Group dialog. A list of available agent groups is automatically populated for your selection.

      Select a desired agent group, such as "EBS", and click Use to enable the selection.

    After you specify the connection information for "EBSDemo", the connection details page is displayed.

  5. Click Test to test the connection you just specified for Oracle E-Business Suite.

  6. Click Save.

The Oracle E-Business Suite connection "EBSDemo" now appears in the Connections page.

Create an Connection for REST Services in This Example

Perform the following steps to create an connection for REST APIs:

  1. On the Connections page, click Create.

    The Create Connection panel appears.

  2. Scroll down and select "REST" from a list of adapters. The Create Connection dialog appears allowing you to create a connection through the REST Adapter.

    You can optionally use the search feature to enter a full or partial name to locate the REST Adapter from the list.

  3. In the Create Connection dialog, enter "RESTSample" as the Name. The identifier value, GENERICREST, is automatically populated. Leave the optional Keywords field blank.

    Select "Trigger" as the Role. Enter a meaningful description for this connection, such as "The sample source REST endpoint".

  4. Click Create to create the connection.

  5. Enter the following connection details:
    • In the Properties section, enter the following information:

      • Connection Type: Select "REST API Base URL".

      • Connection URL: Enter a connection URL (http://<Oracle E-Business Suite host name>:<port>/webservices/rest/sshr) for the "Self-Service HR" REST service with the sshr alias name that you deployed earlier.

    • In the Security section, accept the default "Basic Authentication" as the security policy.

      Enter sshr as the user name and its associated password to access the "Self-Service HR" REST service you specified earlier in the Properties section.
  6. Click Test to test the connection you just specified for REST services.

  7. Click Save.

The "RESTSample" connection for REST services appears in the Connections page, along with the Oracle E-Business Suite connection "EBSDemo" that you created earlier.