4 Activate and Run the Recipe

After you’ve configured the connections and other resources, activate the recipe package and run it.

  1. In the project workspace, click Activate. In the Activate project panel, with the default project deployment selected, choose an appropriate tracing option, then click Activate.

    A message confirms that the integration has been activated. Refresh the page to view the updated status of the integration.

  2. Run the recipe to create a purchase order in Oracle ERP Cloud. To do so, create a purchase order in Shopify.
    1. Log in to the Shopify instance.
    2. On the left navigation pane, click Orders.
    3. To create a new order, click Create Order.
    4. Enter the following details:
      • In the Customer field, select the customer for whom the order has to be created.
      • In the Product field, select the required product.
      • Modify the quantity as required, and click Collect Payment. A pop-up window appears.
    5. Click Create Order.

      You’ve now created an order record in Shopify.

    When you create a purchase order in Shopify, the Oracle Shopify ERP Order2PurchaseOrder Create integration gets triggered and a draft purchase order gets created in Oracle ERP Cloud followed by an approval process. Once approved, the status of the purchase order in Oracle ERP Cloud changes to Open.

  3. Run the recipe to update the purchase order status in Shopify. For a purchase order fulfilled in Oracle ERP Cloud, create a receipt.
    1. Log in to Oracle ERP Cloud instance.
    2. Click Navigator > Procurement > My Receipts.

      This takes you to the Receive Items page where you can search for your purchase order.

    3. On the Receive Items page, in the Purchase Order field, enter the ID of the Purchase Order for which you want to create a receipt.
    4. Click Search.
    5. In the Search Results section, select the line containing your purchase order.
    6. Click Receive.

      This takes you to the Create Receipts page where you can enter the number of items received, waybill, and packing slip number to finalize the receipt.

    7. On the Create Receipts page, enter the required details.


      You can use the Show Receipt Quantity button to optionally populate the Quantity field.

    8. Click Submit.

      Once you click the Submit button, you've created your receipt and you'll receive a confirmation message. The receipt number displays on the confirmation message.

    9. Click OK to close the confirmation window.

      Once you create a receipt, the order status now changes to Closed for receiving.

      This action triggers the Oracle ERP Shopify PO2Order Fulfillment Update integration flow of the recipe, which updates the corresponding order status in Shopify to Fulfilled.

  4. Monitor the running of the integration flow in Oracle Integration.
    1. In the project workspace, click Observe. You'll see the integration flow being triggered and running successfully.
    2. To manage errors in your project, see Manage Errors in a Project.
  5. Log in to your Oracle ERP Cloud instance and check for the new orders created.
    1. On the home page, click Procurement.
    2. Under Procurement, click Purchase Orders.

      You will see the recent orders created.

  6. Log in to your Shopify instance and verify if the status of the fulfilled purchase order is changed to Fulfilled.

    On the Shopify dashboard, click Apps, and then select Stock Inventory Management. Check the status of the purchase order.