2 Before You Install the Recipe

You must perform the following configuration tasks on your Snowflake, GCP Storage and Salesforce Marketing Cloud instances to successfully connect to these external systems using Oracle Integration and import campaign data.

Configure Snowflake

Complete the following tasks in your Snowflake instance to successfully connect to it from Oracle Integration and export campaigns.

  • For general configuration steps, see Prerequisites for Creating a Connection.
  • Ensure the table with column definitions such as Name, Description, CampaignCode, Favorite, and Color is created in Snowflake.
  • Ensure that a Cloud Storage Integration is created in Snowflake and grant the Service Account the necessary permissions to access objects within the Cloud Storage bucket. See Create a Cloud Storage Integration in Snowfkake.

Configure GCP Storage

To configure GCP Storage, see Prerequisites for Creating a Connection.

Configure Salesforce Marketing Cloud

To access Salesforce Marketing Cloud from Oracle Integration and import campaign data, you must perform certain configurations on your Salesforce Marketing Cloud instance.