1 About This Recipe

Use this recipe to export customer and company records from Oracle NetSuite to QuickBooks.


This recipe is available as Oracle NetSuite — QuickBooks | Export Customer and Company Records in the Integration Store. Oracle provides this recipe as a sample only. The recipe is meant only for guidance, and is not warranted to be error-free. No support is provided for this recipe.


This recipe demonstrates how to use Oracle Integration to export customer and company records from Oracle NetSuite to QuickBooks.

To use the recipe, you must install the recipe and configure the connections and other resources within the recipe. This recipe creates customers and companies in QuickBooks for customers and companies in Oracle NetSuite. Once the QuickBooks customer or company is created, the QuickBooks record ID is mapped with Oracle NetSuite record ID. If the mapping fails, the recipe deletes the QuickBooks record by updating the active state as false.


Ensure that an Oracle NetSuite record must not already have a QuickBooks record ID assigned to it.

System and Access Requirements

  • Oracle Integration, Version or higher

  • Oracle NetSuite

  • An account on Oracle NetSuite with the Administrator role

  • QuickBooks

  • An account on QuickBooks with the Administrator role