Configure Interaction Page

Select the resource, operation, and request and response headers for the FHIR Adapter.

For conceptual information about the fields described on this page, see Supported FHIR Capabilities.

Element Description

FHIR Schema Source

Standard Schema Definition is displayed. This value cannot be changed.

FHIR Resource

Select one of the supported resources.
  • Patient
  • Practitioner
  • Organization
  • Location
  • Appointment
  • AppointmentResponse
  • Schedule
  • Slot
  • Observation
  • AllergyIntolerance
  • Condition
  • Procedure
  • DiagnosticReport
  • ImagingStudy
  • QuestionnaireResponse
  • MedicationRequest
  • MedicationStatement
  • Medication
  • Immunization
  • CapabilityStatement
  • StructuredDefinition
  • SearchParameter
  • OperationDefinition
  • CodeSystem
  • ValueSet
  • ConceptMap
  • Provinance
  • Audit Event
  • DocumentReference
  • Binary
  • Bundle
  • OperationOutcome
  • Parameters
  • MessageHeader
  • Subscription
  • Questionnaire

See Resource Index.

FHIR Interaction

This field is displayed if you selected Create, Read, Update, Delete a FHIR Resource on the Basic Info page.

Select the operation to perform.
  • update
  • read
  • create
  • delete


This field is displayed if you selected Search FHIR Resource on the Basic Info page.

Select the operation to perform.
  • POST
  • GET

Configure Request Headers

Select the request HTTP headers to add.

  • Standard
  • Custom
When you click Continue, a page is displayed to specify the headers to use.
  • For standard HTTP headers, click Add, then double-click the row to display a drop-down list with the following selections:
    • If-Match
    • If-Modified-Since
    • If-None-Match
    • If-None-Exist
  • For custom HTTP headers, click Add, then double-click to add a custom header name and description.

See HTTP Headers and Custom Headers.

Configure Response Headers

Select the response HTTP headers to add.

  • Standard
  • Custom
When you click Continue, a page is displayed to specify the headers to use.
  • For standard HTTP headers, click Add, then double-click the row to display a drop-down list with the following selections:
    • ETag
    • Last Modified
    • Location
    • Content Location
  • For custom HTTP headers, click Add, then double-click to add a custom header name and description.

See HTTP Headers and Custom Headers.

Search Parameters

This field is displayed if you selected Search FHIR Resource on the Basic Info page.

Specify search parameters for the FHIR endpoint.

Click the Add icon to display a row for entering the parameter name.

Click the Remove icon to delete a selected row.

See Filter Parameter.