Description for File Server Permissions

This image shows the File Server Permissions screen.

The top of the screen says Oracle Integration and below it, Permissions for HCM Files. On the far side of the title bar are Revert and Save buttons. Below the title bar is a label named Folder Path and /HCM Files is listed. Below that are search and filter icons and 2 Identity Permissions. On the far right is an Add Permissions button and a Do not inherit checkbox.

The table contains columns titled Identity (with names jdoe and smith listed in the two rows), All, Read, Write, Delete, List, Create Folder, Rename Folder, Delete Folder, and Propagate to subfolders. Leftmost in the table is a person or group icon. The other columns contain checkmarks, some selected and some deselected. A delete icon is shown for each row at the far side.