Create a Sample Zip File

On your local machine, create a zip file, containing a few individual files, to use in this tutorial.

  1. Create a .txt file and name it test-file1. Add the following data into it.
    Test Data Row1 From File1
    Test Data Row2 From File1
  2. Create two more .txt files and name them test-file2 and test-file3. Add the following data into them, respectively.
    Test Data Row1 From File2
    Test Data Row2 From File2
    Test Data Row3 From File2
    Test Data Row4 From File2
    Test Data Row5 From File2
    Test Data Row1 From File3
    Test Data Row2 From File3
    Test Data Row3 From File3
  3. Create a folder named test-data and copy the three files you created into it.
  4. Zip the test-data folder. Your sample file is now ready to use.