Create a Schedule Integration

Let's create a schedule integration in which an invoke FTP Adapter reads the sample zip file from the sFTP server and another invoke FTP Adapter writes the transformed zip file back to the server. You'll create a schedule to run this integration at a specified frequency later in this example.

  1. In the navigation pane, click Design, then Integrations.
  2. On the Integrations page, click Create.

    The Create Integration - Select a Style dialog is displayed.

  3. Select Schedule in the Create integration panel.
  4. Enter the following information.
    Field Information to Enter

    What do you want to call your integration?

    Provide a name for the integration, FTP Bulk Import.


    Accept the default identifier value.


    Accept the default version number of 01.00.0000.

    What does this integration do?

    Enter the following text: Loads and transforms files from a secure FTP location.

  5. Click Create. The integration canvas is displayed, where you can configure your integration.