GCP Pub Sub Adapter Restrictions

Note the following GCP Pub Sub Adapter restrictions.

  • The Protocol buffer message structure is not currently supported by the GCP Pub Sub Adapter.
  • The GCP Pub Sub Adapter has a limit of 1 message per request when using the Avro (binary) message format. However, the GCP Pub Sub publish request has a limit of 10 MB (total size) or 1,000 messages.
  • When configuring a trigger connection with the Avro binary message format and your Avro schema contains fixed data types, the decoded value may differ from the published value. For instance, the character A is decoded to its Dec equivalent of 65. Similarly, the string AA is decoded to the array [65, 65]. See the ASCII Table.
  • The GCP Pub Sub Adapter displays 1000 topics for selection at a time on the Configuration page of the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard.
  • If a subscription already exists for consumption of messages from a GCP Pub Sub topic, you can't update or change a topic, subscription filter, and message ordering.
  • The refresh token has the following restrictions:
    • Only 100 refresh tokens are allowed, per Google Account per OAuth 2.0 client ID.
    • There are other restrictions. See Refresh Token Expiration.


There are overall service limits for Oracle Integration. A service limit is the quota or allowance set on a resource. See Service Limits.