Invoke Configuration Page

Specify the topic and other details for publishing messages to a GCP Pub Sub topic.

Element Description
Select topic

Select the topic on which to perform the operation. You can also enter the beginning letters of the topic to filter the display of topics. A topic is a category in which applications can add, process, and reprocess messages. You can publish messages to a GCP topic.

Note: The GCP Pub Sub Adapter displays 1000 topics at a time for selection on the Configuration page.

Schema type associated with topic

Displays the schema type associated with a topic.

Note: Do not edit this value.

Message encoding

Displays the message encodings.

Note: Do not edit these values.

Provide JSON Sample

(Displays if you select a topic without any schema associated.)

Enter sample JSON to describe the structure of data.

AVRO Schema associated with Topic

(Displays if you select a topic with the Avro schema.)

Displays the Avro schema associated with the topic.

Note: Do not edit these values.

Specify the topic and other details for pulling messages from the GCP Pub Sub topic.

Element Description
Select topic

Select the topic on which to perform the operation. You can also enter the beginning letters of the topic to filter the display of topics. A topic is a category in which applications can add, process, and reprocess messages. You can publish messages to a GCP topic.

Note: The GCP Pub Sub Adapter shows 1000 topics at a time for selection on the Configuration page.

Subscription ID Select the subscription ID existing under the selected topic name.
Schema type associated with topic

Displays the schema type associated with a topic.

Note: Do not edit this value.

Message encoding

Displays the message encodings.

Note: Do not edit these values.

Provide JSON Sample

(Displays if you select a topic without any schema associated.)

Enter sample JSON to describe the structure of data.

AVRO Schema associated with Topic

(Displays if you select a topic with the Avro schema.)

Displays the Avro schema associated with the topic.

Note: Do not edit these values.

Specify the topic and other details for acknowledging the pulled messages from the GCP Pub Sub topic.

Element Description
Select topic

Select the topic on which to perform the operation. You can also enter the beginning letters of the topic to filter the display of topics. A topic is a category in which applications can add, process, and reprocess messages. You can publish messages to a GCP topic.

Note: The GCP Pub Sub Adapter displays 1000 topics at a time for selection on the Configuration page.

Subscription Id

Select the Subscription ID existing under the selected topic name.


Select the same topic and subscription ID used for pull messages.