Trigger Basic Info Page

Specify a name and description, select a business object, and select a trigger operation on the Basic Info page for the trigger connection in your integration.

Element Description

What do you want to call your endpoint?

Provide a meaningful name so that others can understand the responsibilities of this connection. For example, if you are creating an invoke connection to delete a blob, you may want to name it InvokeDelBlobs. You can include English alphabetic characters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens in the name. You can't include the following characters:

  • No blank spaces (for example, My Inbound Connection)

  • No special characters (for example,  #;83& or righ(t)now4) except underscores and hyphens

  • No multibyte characters

What does this endpoint do?

Enter an optional description of the connection’s responsibilities.

Select Business Object

Select a business object:
  • Repository Events
  • Organization Event (Org Credentials Only)


Select an operation name to perform such as Subscribe to Repository Event or Subscribe to Organization Event.