Import Bulk Data with the HCM Data Loader (HDL)

You can design an integration that imports bulk data using the HCM Data Loader. This use case provides a high-level overview.

  1. Create an orchestrated integration.
  2. Create a REST Adapter to provide a JSON sample with Oracle HCM Cloud information.
    1. On the Resource Configuration page, specify the endpoint URI, the action to perform on the endpoint (for this example, POST), and any configuration options. For this example, Configure a request payload for this endpoint and Configure this endpoint to receive the response are selected.

    2. On the Request page, specify any multipart attachment processing options (for this example, Request is multipart with payload is selected), the request payload format and file (for this example, JSON Sample), and the media type of the request body (for this example, multipart/mixedd is selected).

    3. On the Response page, specify any multipart attachment processing options (for this example, Response is multipart with payload is selected), the request payload format and file (for this example, JSON Sample), and the media type of the request body (for this example, multipart/mixedd is selected).

  3. Add an Oracle HCM Cloud Adapter to the integration.
    1. On the Actions page, select Import Bulk Data using HCM Data Loader (HDL).

    2. On the Operations page, select Submit an HCM Data Loader job.The
  4. For the request mapping, map the necessary elements from the source to the target. Attachment Reference is mapped to File Reference and Attachment Properties is mapped to Filename to send additional properties.

  5. For the response mapping, map the necessary elements from the source to the target. Process ID is mapped to HDL PROCESS ID. The target STATUS element is set to started.

    The completed integration looks as follows: