Troubleshoot Other Generic Errors

If you receive a different error, the best way to test and troubleshoot the connection is to try to get the OAuth token through Postman, curl, or another API REST-capable tool. The following example shows how to use curl to test your configurations:

# SSD identity provider
curl --location '<gateway_URL>/oauth/v1/tokens' --header 'x-app-key: <app-key>' --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --header 
'Authorization: Basic <base64_client_id:client_secret>' --data-urlencode 'username=<user_name>' --data-urlencode 'password=<password>' --data-urlencode 
# OCIM identity provider
curl --location '<gateway_URL>/oauth/v1/tokens' --header 'x-app-key: <app_key>' --header 'enterpriseId: <enterprise_id>' --header 'Content-Type: 
application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --header 'Authorization: Basic <base64_client_id:client_secret>' --data-urlencode 'scope=<scope>' --data-urlencode 
Element Description
gateway_URL The gateway URL provided in your environment details in the OHIP Developer Portal.
base64_client_id:client_secret The base64-encoded client_id and client_secret. Both values are provided in your environment details in the OHIP Developer Portal.
app_key The application key provided in your application details within the OHIP Developer Portal.
user_name The Integration User user name created in OPERA Cloud if using the SSD identity provider.
password The Integration User password created in OPERA Cloud if using the SSD identity provider.
scope The scope provided in your environment details in the OHIP Developer Portal if using the OCIM identity provider.
enterprise_id The enterprise ID provided in your environment details in the OHIP Developer Portal if using the OCIM identity provider.

Solution: Troubleshoot by making the OAuth call with curl, Postman, or a different tool.