3 Install and Configure the Recipe

On your Oracle Integration instance, install the recipe to deploy and configure the integration and associated resources.

  1. On the Oracle Integration Home page, in the Use a recipe/accelerator section, click View all.
  2. Find the recipe you want to install.
  3. Hover over the recipe, then click Install Install icon.
    A message confirms that the recipe was successfully installed, and the recipe card shows INSTALLED.
  4. Hover over the recipe again, and click Configure Configure icon to configure the resources of the recipe.
    The project workspace opens, displaying all the resources of the recipe. Configure the following resources before you activate and run the recipe.

Configure the Oracle REST Unity Connection

Use the following steps to configure the Oracle REST Unity Connection.

  1. In the Connections section, click Actions Actions icon on the connection, then select Edit.
  2. In the Properties section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter
    Connection Type Select REST API Base URL.
    Connection URL Enter the URL for connecting to Oracle Unity. For example, https://XXXXXX.cxunity.ocs.oraclecloud.com. The URL is provided when you subscribe to Oracle Unity.
  3. In the Security section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter
    Security Policy Select OAuth Custom Two-Legged Flow. See Configure Connection Security.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Save. If prompted, click Save again.
  6. Click Test to ensure that your connection is successfully configured. A dialog prompts you to select the type of connection testing to perform:
    • Validate and Test: Performs a full validation of the WSDL, including processing of the imported schemas and WSDLs. Complete validation can take several minutes depending on the number of imported schemas and WSDLs. No requests are sent to the operations exposed in the WSDL.
    • Test: Connects to the WSDL URL and performs a syntax check on the WSDL. No requests are sent to the operations exposed in the WSDL.
  7. Wait for a message about the results of the connection test.
    • If the test was successful, then the connection is configured properly.
    • If the test failed, then edit the configuration details you entered. Check for typos, verify URLs and credentials, and download the diagnostic logs for additional details. Continue to test until the connection is successful.
  8. When complete, click Save.
  9. To return to the Configuration Editor, click Go back Back icon.

Configure the Oracle FTP SFMC Connection

Use the following steps to configure the Oracle FTP SFMC Connection.

  1. In the Connections section, click Actions Actions icon on the connection, then select Edit.
  2. In the Properties section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter
    FTP Server Host Address Enter the host address of your sFTP server.
    FTP Server Port Enter 22.
    SFTP Connection Select Yes from the list.
  3. In the Security section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter
    Security Policy Select FTP Server Access Policy.
    User Name Enter the user name to connect to your sFTP server.
    Password Enter the password to connect to your sFTP server.
  4. Click Save. If prompted, click Save again.
  5. Click Test to ensure that your connection is successfully configured. In the resulting dialog, click Test again.
    A message confirms if your test is successful.
  6. To return to the Configuration Editor, click Go back Back icon.

Configure the Oracle SOAP SFMC Connection

Use the following steps to configure the Oracle SOAP SFMC Connection.

  1. In the Connections section, click Actions Actions icon on the connection, then select Edit.
  2. In the Properties section, enter the SOAP WSDL URL in the WSDL URL field. See Configure Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
  3. In the Security section, enter the following details:
    Field Information to Enter
    Security Policy Select Username Password Token.

    Enter the Username. See Configure Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

    Password Enter the Password.
  4. Click Save. If prompted, click Save again.
  5. Click Test to ensure that your connection is successfully configured. A dialog prompts you to select the type of connection testing to perform:
    • Validate and Test: Performs a full validation of the WSDL, including processing of the imported schemas and WSDLs. Complete validation can take several minutes depending on the number of imported schemas and WSDLs. No requests are sent to the operations exposed in the WSDL.
    • Test: Connects to the WSDL URL and performs a syntax check on the WSDL. No requests are sent to the operations exposed in the WSDL.
  6. To return to the Configuration Editor, click Go back Back icon.

Configure the Lookup Tables

  1. In the Lookups section, click Actions Actions icon on the lookup table, then select Edit.
  2. Enter the field names and corresponding values. Refer to the details provided for each table below.
  3. Click Save. If prompted, click Save again.
  4. To return to the project workspace, click Go back Back icon.
The recipe contains the following four lookup tables. Edit them as necessary.
  • ORACLE-BRT-UNITY_SFMC_SEG_TO_DE_IMPORT_PROPERTIES: Used to map properties between Oracle Unity and Salesforce Marketing Cloud instances.
    Key Description Example
    IsSendable Stores the flag to identify if the data extension can be used to send marketing emails. True
    IsTestable Stores the flag to identify if the data extension can be used to test marketing emails. True
    UpdateType Stores the behavior type of import. For example: AddAndUpdate, AddAndDoNotUpdate, UpdateButDoNotAdd, and OverWrite AddAndUpdate
    InboundDirectory Stores the location of the FTP directory that stores the files from Oracle Unity. /Import/Inbound
    FileNamePattern Stores the naming pattern of the file. *.csv
    OutboundDirectory Stores the location of the FTP directory that stores the files before being imported to Salesforce Marketing Cloud. /Import
    UnityTenantId Stores the tenant ID of the Oracle Unity instance. 100046
    DefaultFieldType Stores the default field data type in Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Text
    DefaultFieldLength Stores the maximum field length. 50
    AllowErrors Stores the flag to identify whether to continue the import operation if any error occurs during operation. True
    FieldMappingType Stores the strategy to map fields from CSV file to the data extension. InferFromColumnHeadings
    FileTransferLocation Stores the name of the file location created in Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Name of the file location created in SFMC
  • ORACLE-BRT-SFMC_SEG_TO_DE_FIELD_TYPE Used to map the field names in Oracle Unity with field type and field length in Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
    FieldName FieldType FieldLength
    Email EmailAddress 254
    Phone Phone 50