Convert HL7 Messages with a Healthcare Action

You can convert a message to or from HL7 format with a healthcare action in an integration. The healthcare action converts native inbound HL7 messages into Oracle Integration XML payloads for use in your integrations and generates native HL7 messages from Oracle Integration XML payloads to send to external applications that support HL7.


If your Oracle Integration instance does not include the Healthcare edition, you cannot drag the healthcare action into an integration. See Create an Oracle Integration Instance in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3.
  1. To create an integration in a project:
    1. In the navigation pane, click Projects.
    2. Click the project in which to create the integration.
    3. In the Integrations section, click Add if no integrations currently exist or + if integrations already exist.
    4. Click Create, then select Application or Schedule.
  2. To create an integration in a standalone environment:
    1. In the navigation pane, click Design, then Integrations.
    2. Click Create, then select Application or Schedule.
  3. Design your integration, including adding and configuring your connections. See Create Trigger and Invoke Connections that Support the HL7 and FHIR Standards.
  4. Add a healthcare action to the integration in either of the following ways:
    • On the right side of the canvas, click Actions Integration actions icon and drag the Healthcare action to the appropriate location.
    • Click Add icon at the location where you want to add the healthcare action, then select Healthcare.
    The Configure healthcare action call wizard is displayed.
  5. Enter the following details:
    Element Description
    Name Enter a name.
    Description Enter an optional descriptions for what this action does.
    Operation Select an operation to perform:
    • Convert message reference to document: Use this operation to identify the incoming message type and version. This operation returns a reference to a translated message and metadata needed to route the integration to an appropriate child integration to process the message. When you call the operation, you need to specify a list of HL7 documents with which you want to match.
    • Match and translate inbound message: Use this operation to convert inbound HL7-formatted messages into XML format.

      Specify the documents you want this action to receive. These are the documents that you configured during design time. This operation takes a raw HL7 message off the wire, parses it, and matches it with the document definition you select in the Choose documents section. The message is then converted to an Oracle Integration XML payload.

    • Translate to outbound message: Use this operation to convert an XML payload message to an outbound HL7 message.
    Choose documents

    This field is displayed if you select the Match and translate inbound message operation.

    Select all the HL7 message definitions that you expect to receive on the port number you configured for your MLLP Adapter connection. This integration receives and routes all messages sent to that port number.

    Documents that are not selected are ignored.

    If you created the integration in a project, only documents available in that project are visible for selection.


    This field is displayed if you select the Convert message reference to document or Translate to outbound message operation.

    Select the document to use.

    If you created the integration in a project, only documents available in that project are visible for selection.

    For example:
    • If you select Match and translate inbound message, the selected ADT_A08 message document is converted from HL7 format to an Oracle Integration XML-formatted message.

      The Configure - Configure healthcare action call page. Fields for Name, Description, Operation (Match and translate inbound message is selected), and Document fields are shown.

    • If you select Translate to outbound message, the selected ADT_A08 message is converted from an Oracle Integration XML message to an HL7-formatted message for delivery to an external application that supports HL7.

      The Configure - Configure healthcare action call page. Fields for Name, Description, Operation (Translate to outbound message is selected), and Document fields are shown.

    • If you select Convert message reference to document, the message reference is converted into a mappable payload. This operation returns the contents of the HL7 message as a variable in your integration that is ready to use in the business logic and mapper of your integration. The variable appears on the source side of the mapper.

      The Configure - Configure healthcare action call page. Fields for Name, Description, Operation (Convert message reference document is selected), and Document fields are shown.

  6. Click Finish.
  7. Continue designing the remaining parts of your integration, including adding and configuring your invoke connections.
Examples of using all three operations in a use case are provided. See Design Time and Runtime Overview of an Oracle Integration for Healthcare Use Case.