Provision Oracle Integration for Healthcare

Oracle Integration for Healthcare is available only as part of the Healthcare edition. It is not included with the Standard or Enterprise editions of Oracle Integration. You can select the Healthcare edition during Oracle Integration instance installation or change an existing instance from the Standard or Enterprise edition to the Healthcare edition.

This table provides an overview of key installation, edition change, and billing information and provides references to relevant documentation.

Subject Description See
Edition Features The Healthcare edition includes the same features as the Enterprise Edition, plus Oracle Integration for Healthcare. Oracle Integration Editions in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3
Installation You select the Healthcare edition during instance installation. Create an Oracle Integration Instance in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3
Changing editions If your existing Oracle Integration instance is already configured with the Standard or Enterprise edition, you can change to the Healthcare edition.

Note: Once you change to the Healthcare edition, you cannot change back to Standard or Enterprise.

Edit the Edition, License Type, Message Packs, and Custom Endpoint of an Instance in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3
Billing Healthcare edition message packs are billed at a higher price than Standard or Enterprise. See Monitor Oracle Integration 3 Instances in Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration 3

How Do I Know If My Instance Includes the Healthcare Edition

If your existing Oracle Integration installation does not currently consist of the Healthcare edition, you see the following message when navigating through the user interface:
  • When you select Healthcare in the left navigation pane
  • When you click Healthcare Healthcare iconinside a project

The Integrate with healthcare applications message is shown.

If you change this instance from the Standard or Enterprise edition to the Healthcare edition, you can edit these pages.