Tour of the Projects Workspace

The Projects workspace contains several tabs for designing, managing, and monitoring integrations.

Navigation to the Projects workspace

A Projects option is available in the navigation pane.

In the Projects workspace, you can complete all your design, management, and monitoring tasks. You don't need to navigate to the Design and Observability pages when working in a project.

The Home, Projects, Design, B2B, Observability, and Settings options are displayed.


When you move around the project workspace performing tasks, a BackBack icon button is provided that enables you to easily return to your previous location under the Projects option.

Design Tab

Design and manage integrations on the Design tab, which appears by default when you open a project.

The page for a specific project shows a Details section on the left, with an edit icon and fields for Description, Keywords, Created by, Created on, and Updated on. Below that is the Share section for identifying who can own, edit, view, and monitor the project resources. In the upper-middle part of the page are the Design, Deploy, and Observe buttons. In the upper right are the Export, Activate, and Deactivate buttons, and refresh icon. Below is a Search field. Below are the Integrations, Connections, Lookups, and Libraries boxes. Configured resources for each type are displayed in each box. The Integrations, Connections, and Lookups boxes include a + icon and an Actions (…) list. Assets have been defined for each. The Libraries section includes an Add button because no assets have been defined.

The Design tab contains the following sections:

Component Description

Integrations section

Create integrations in this section.

Additional tasks that you perform in this section include:
  • Viewing, editing, cloning, deleting, searching, activating, and deactivating integrations.
  • Enabling or disabling the ability for REST Adapter-triggered and AS2 Adapter-triggered integration instances to be replayable at runtime.
  • Creating a new version of an integration.
  • Setting tracing levels.
  • Refreshing endpoints.
  • Updating property values.
  • Running REST Adapter trigger-based integrations and schedule integrations.
  • Viewing run details.

Connections section

Create connections for your integrations in this section.

Additional tasks that you perform in this section include:
  • Editing, deleting, and searching for connections.
  • Refreshing metadata.

Lookups section

Create lookups for your integrations in this section.

Additional tasks that you perform in this section include editing, deleting, and searching for lookups.

Libraries section

Create JavaScript libraries for your integrations in this section.

Additional tasks that you perform in this section include deleting, updating, and searching for libraries.

Details area

View integration description details.

Share area

Assign a project owner and specify the people who can edit, view, and monitor resources in the project.

Events area

Create events to publish and subscribe to in integrations.

Additional tasks that you perform in this section include cloning, editing, deleting, and viewing events.

Buttons at the top of the page

At the top of the page are the following buttons:

  • Export: For exporting a project.
  • Activate/Deactivate: For activating or deactivating a project in its entirety.

Deploy Tab

Deploy one or more integrations in a project on the Deploy tab.

The Design, Deploy, and Observe tabs appear at the top. Below is a table with columns for Name, Identifier, Integrations, and Last updated.

The Deploy tab contains the following components:

Component Description

Create button

Create a project deployment.

Options that appear when you point to a project deployment

Contains options for exporting, activating, and deactivating a project deployment.

Actions Actions icon menu, which appears when you point to a project deployment

Contains options for editing, viewing, cloning, and deleting a project deployment.

Observe Tab

Monitor your integrations on the Observe tab.

The page for a specific project shows the Design, Deploy, and Observe tabs. Below is a field that shows the latest filter settings. At the top are search and filter icons. At the far left are Integrations, Subscriptions, Instances, Future runs, and Audit tabs. At the far right is the time stamp and refresh button. Below all these buttons and icons is a table with columns for Primary Identifier, instance Id, Business Identifiers, Status, and Duration. The table is populated with instance details. At the far left is a graph that shows the state of instances: Successful, Aborted, Queued, Blocked, Errored, In progress, Paused, and Resubmitted.

The Observe tab contains the following components:

Component Description

Integrations tab

See high-level information about your integrations and their messages.

Subscriptions tab

Shows the currently subscribed integrations, the event, retained events, and subscriber status.

Instances tab

This tab contains the following components:

  • A table for tracking the status of integration instances through business identifiers and viewing the activity stream and message payloads of an instance.

    Use a clickable graph to filter the display of the state of instances.

    You can also use the Filter Filter icon icon to perform the same task.

  • A section for viewing instance errors. You can resubmit failed instances, discard failed instances, view message recovery status, and view basic and detailed error messages.
  • An Actions Actions icon menu for each instance to perform other tasks such as viewing the integration schedule and child instances and replaying REST Adapter-triggered and AS2 Adapter-triggered integration instances that you configured as replayable during integration activation.

Future runs tab

View a calendar of scheduled integration runs.

Audit tab

View and download the design-time audit log of actions performed in a project.