Prerequisites for Creating a Connection

You must satisfy the following prerequisites to create a connection with the IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter:

  • If you want the IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter to use SSL, you must import the respective certificate on the connectivity agent host. For example:
    keytool -importcert -keystore keystore.p12 -storepass changeit -storetype pkcs12 -alias cert_IBMMQ -noprompt -file IBM_MQ_SSL_Certificate

    Where IBM_MQ_SSL_Certificate is the complete path to the \agenthome\agent\cert directory of the certificate file.

    See Install a Certificate on the Agent Host in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.

  • Configure the MQ Series queue manager for communication in MQ Explorer:
    • Go to Queue Manager > Properties > Communication and set Channel Auto Definition to Disabled.
    • Go to Channels > Server Connection Channel > Extended and set Sharing Conversation to 0.
  • If you want the queue manager to be authenticated, configure support in the Connection authentication field under the Extended tab in MQ Explorer.
  • If you use the IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter and do not want the connection to be authenticated, the (MQ Admin) user must provide a valid user ID in Queue Manager > Channels > Server Connection Channel > Properties > MCA. If this user is part of the mqm group, the following profile must be set for the two queues of that Queue Manager:
    ./setmqaut -m QM -n "SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE" -t q -p "USERID" +inq
    ./setmqaut -m QM -n "SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE" -t q -p "USERID" +inq
    However, if the user set in MCA does not belong to the mqm group, the following profile must be set for the two queues of that Queue Manager:
    ./setmqaut -m QM -n "SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE" -t q -p "USERID" +inq +put
    ./setmqaut -m QM -n "SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE" -t q -p "USERID" +inq +get +dsp

    Replace USERID with the user ID and QM with the Queue Manager.

  • Create queues and topics in MQ Explorer that you want the IBM MQ Series JMS Adapter to process.
  • To use topics, you must run the following command in the MQ_Install/bin/ directory to point to the location of the MQSC file:
    .runmqsc Queue_Manager < ../java/bin/MQJMS_PSQ.mqsc

    For example:

    cd /opt/mqm/bin
    .runmqsc ICS_QM < ../java/bin/MQJMS_PSQ.mqsc
  • Install the connectivity agent in an on-premises environment. The agent enables communication between Oracle Integration and the JMS (MQ) Server. See Download and Run the Connectivity Agent Installer and About Connectivity Agents and Integrations Between On-Premises Applications and Oracle Integration in Using Integrations in Oracle Integration 3.
  • Copy the following MQ JAR files from the MQ_Install_Home/java/lib directory to the Agent_Home/thirdparty/lib directory of the connectivity agent:
    • jms.jar