Description for the Custom Entity Fields Table

This image shows the Custom Entity Fields table. In the upper left corner is the New button. Below this is the Filters facility. Below this are three icons and a checkbox labeled Show Inactives. Below this is a table with columns from left to right named Description, From Bundle, ID, Internal ID, Type, List, and Tab. Data populates the columns of the table. The word “scriptid” has an arrow that points to ID. The word “internalid” has an arrow that points to Internal ID. The words “Field Type” have an arrow that points to Type. The words “Associated List (if any)” have an arrow that points to List.

In the first row of the List column is the entry Advertising Preferences. This entry is circled and has an arrow that points down to the Advertising Preferences entry in the third row of the List column of the Custom Lists table. In the upper left corner is the New button. Below this is the Filters facility. Below this are three icons and a checkbox labeled Show Inactives. Below this is a table with columns from left to right named List, From Bundle, ID, Internal ID, Owner, and List. In the Internal ID column is the value of 2 in the third row. An arrow labeled value —> typeId points down to this value. In the List column at the end of the table in the fourth row is a value of User. This value is circled and has arrows pointing to it from the Advertising Preferences List. This list includes three icons in the banner, the word Activities, the word box Files, the word Payments, the word Transactions, and the word Lists. Below this is the Advertising Preferences header, with entries to the right for List, Search, and Audit. Below the header are the View link, Default list, Customize View button, and New Advertising Preferences button. Below this is the Filters facility. Below this are icons icons and a checkbox labeled Show Inactives. To the right is the Edit label and the Quick Sort list. Below this is a table with columns from left to right named Edit, View, Internal ID, and Name. The words value -> internalid have an arrow that points down to the Internal ID column.