1 About This Recipe

Use this recipe to purge old files from File Server in Oracle Integration.


This recipe is available as File Server — Oracle Integration | Purge Old Files in Oracle Integration. Oracle provides this recipe as a sample only. The recipe is meant only for guidance, and is not warranted to be error-free. No support is provided for this recipe.


This recipe purges files that are older than the value specified in the Minimum Age parameter from File Server. To use the recipe, you must install the recipe and configure the connections and other resources within it.

When triggered, the integration flow performs the following tasks:

  • Based on the lookup key values and the value specified in the Minimum Age parameter configured in the List Files operation, lists files that are older than the minimum age specified. The Minimum Age parameter can be configured to accept values in seconds such as 7776000 s (90 days), 5184000 s (60 days), or 2592000 s (30 days).

  • Uses the for-each action to iterate through each of the files in the List Files response, and deletes files using the Delete a File operation.


    In a single integration run only 100 files can be deleted.
  • In case of any error, sends notifications to the email Id configured in the ToEmailAddress lookup key.

System and Access Requirements

  • Oracle Integration, Version 24.04 or higher

  • File Server

  • An SFTP client